Before I log an issue...
in Pharo 7
using Calypso to run a test by clicking its status-dot,
when trying to step <Over> a semaphore #wait the UI locks up.
I presumed this was due to the #wait effectively occurring in the main UI thread,
so I solved this by forking the test as follows. Is that a reasonable thing to do?
ClyRunTestsFromMethodsCommand >> runTest: testSelector of: testClass
| testResult |
testResult := testClass debug: testSelector.
notifyUserAboutResults: testResult
with: 'Method: ' , testClass asString , '>>#' , testSelector asString
] forkNamed: 'TESTING ' , testClass asString , '>>#' , testSelector asString
With that change, you can step over a #wait as if it wasn't there,
which IIRC is in line with the old behaviour.
Now a bit of a dream, but even better would be that just the debugger stepping
over the #wait was suspended (rather than the whole UI) with
an indication like a red border. When the #wait was signaled,
the red border would disappear and the debugger might jump to the top.
cheers -ben