Dear artful programming enthusiasts,
The Pacific Northwest Smalltalk crew would like to invite you to
Camp Smalltalk PDX this summer. Come join us August 21-23 in
beautiful Portland, Oregon!
We all know coding is a lot of fun, and that the best coding is done
with the delete key. Accordingly, Camp Smalltalk PDX will be at
Portland’s CTRL-H hackerspace,
There is no set schedule, but of course we all have strong
interests. Some of the areas that will surely be covered include:
* Smalltalk on small devices, such as Scratch on Raspberry PI
* Web frameworks such as Seaside
* Virtual machine implementations
* Data processing applications
* Language design, Smalltalk and beyond
If you are curious about Smalltalk, feel free to drop by and give
Smalltalk a try.
And yes, there are also the well known regulars --- we all know who
you are :). It’s time to catch up and plot inventing our future.
Feel free to contact us directly if you have questions regarding
travel or accommodations. Also, if you know you will be coming and
you haven’t completed our survey yet, doing so will help us
coordinate the infrastructure around the event: For event information, see here:
See you in Portland!
Esug-list mailing list
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