Can't cancel publish dialog

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Can't cancel publish dialog

I accidentally opened two publish windows on the same bundle.  I filled
in one, published, and went for coffee. When I got back, I saw the
second and thought "Maybe I didn't hit the Publish button".  I hit
Publish (on the second window) and it warns me that the version name I
chose was already used and suggested another name.  I then realized that
I was publishing the same thing again.  I tried canceling the dialog
asking for the version name and it wouldn't go away. Well, I think,
maybe I'll just put in an empty string.  I now have a published version
with an empty string for the version name (wonderful  :-( ).

Perhaps it would be good to test whether you're canceling the version
name dialog and abort the publish operation.

David Buck
Simberon Inc.

vwnc mailing list
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Re: Can't cancel publish dialog

Niall Ross
Dear David,
    I've had the same experience.

AR 60405  'Version name already in use' dialog needs cancel behaviour

The code treats the return of cancel as just another unacceptable value,
so re-presents the dialog ad infinitum.

Because it is not a regression, expect the fix in 7.8, not 7.7.1.

          Yours faithfully
             Niall Ross.

>I accidentally opened two publish windows on the same bundle.  I filled
>in one, published, and went for coffee. When I got back, I saw the
>second and thought "Maybe I didn't hit the Publish button".  I hit
>Publish (on the second window) and it warns me that the version name I
>chose was already used and suggested another name.  I then realized that
>I was publishing the same thing again.  I tried canceling the dialog
>asking for the version name and it wouldn't go away. Well, I think,
>maybe I'll just put in an empty string.  I now have a published version
>with an empty string for the version name (wonderful  :-( ).
>Perhaps it would be good to test whether you're canceling the version
>name dialog and abort the publish operation.
>David Buck
>Simberon Inc.
>vwnc mailing list
>[hidden email]

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