Can workspace toolbar be repositioned to top?

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Can workspace toolbar be repositioned to top?

I dont like the toolbar on the right hand side of a workspace. I find
it harder to use where it is now. Is there any way to reposition it to
the top or even to the left?


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Re: Can workspace toolbar be repositioned to top?

John Rubier
ImOk wrote:
> I dont like the toolbar on the right hand side of a workspace. I find
> it harder to use where it is now. Is there any way to reposition it to
> the top or even to the left?
> Thanks

Make a backup of your Image.

Open the View Browser
Select "IDE Tools"
Right-click SmalltalkWorkspaceDocument.Default view
Select "New".
Put in a new name like "My Modified View" and click ok.

If you just want to move it to the left, just click the toolbar on the
right (named toolbar2) then change the property "arrangement" to be
"west" instead of "east". If you want it to be on the top, you'll have
to have to do some real work to get it laid out like that. (i.e. This is
  how I did it, YMMV: Add a
new container view to the ShellView, move it to the top, drag both
toolbars into it, set it's arrangement to #north, add a gridlayout to
it, set the gridlayout rows to 2, turn on "use preferred extent" on the
new container view and toolbar2, then resize the new container view and
the toolbars as appropriate.)

After you have it the way you want, save the view.
In the System window, open "User Preferences".
Go down to "Workspace" and open it.
Select "defaultView" in the tree and you should see "Default View" and
"My Modified View" (or whatever you called it) on the right.
Select your view.

Open a new Workspace and it should have the layout you made.

If you screw up the view (or the view screws up something else) you can
always change the preference back to the default view.

I assume it might be a good idea to move the new view to one of your own
package. I have no real idea whether that is necessary or even desirable.

Of course, there may be a secret 1-click trick for moving the toolbar...  :)

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Re: Can workspace toolbar be repositioned to top?

Placed it #west which is simpler. For the heck of it I first tried
#north and it messed up. Thanks for your help.

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Re: Can workspace toolbar be repositioned to top?

Ian Bartholomew-21
In reply to this post by John Rubier

> Of course, there may be a secret 1-click trick for moving the
> toolbar...  :)

Not exactly a trick but you might find it easier to automate the
procedure.  It makes it easier to replicate the change on future
versions of Dolphin and lets you create working images without having to
go through the editing every time.

For example, for a #westward toolbar in a Workspace evaluate the following.

viewComposer := ViewComposer show: 'Vertical view'.
viewComposer openOn: (ResourceIdentifier
        class: SmalltalkWorkspaceDocument
        name: 'Default view').
subView:= viewComposer composingView viewNamed: 'toolbar2'.
subView arrangement: #west.
viewComposer fileSave.
viewComposer exit.

You can put it in a .st file, along with any other changes that you want
to make to a virgin image, and a single "File in" will update the image

You could probably replicate the steps needed to move the toolbar to
#north - but I'll lave that as an exercise for the reader :-)


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