Cannot keep image running.

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Cannot keep image running.


Hi, all..

I have install PharmIDE on this, and my project… and my project keeps dying.. I am getting the following stack trace..
any ideas?

[ self currentMilliseconds - startTime > aNumber
ifTrue: [ OPTimedOutError signal ].
aBlock value ] in OPBasicPool(OPPool)>>waitUntil:timoutAfterMilliseconds: in Block: [ self currentMilliseconds - startTime > aNumber...
[ aBlock value not ] in Monitor>>waitUntil:for:maxMilliseconds: in Block: [ aBlock value not ]
[ maxActiveObjects
ifNotNil: [ maxWaitForBorrow
ifNil: [ self waitUntil: [ self numberOfActiveObjects < maxActiveObjects ] ]
ifNotNil: [ self
waitUntil: [ self numberOfActiveObjects < maxActiveObjects ]
timoutAfterMilliseconds: maxWaitForBorrow ] ] ] in OPBasicPool>>objectForBorrow in Block: [ maxActiveObjects...
[ self enter.
aBlock value ] in Monitor>>critical: in Block: [ self enter....
[ object := self objectForBorrow.
self objectGoingToBeBorrowed: object.
self critical: [ borrowedObjects add: object ] ] in OPBasicPool(OPPool)>>borrow in Block: [ object := self objectForBorrow....
[ :err | err handleSeamlessRequest: self receivedFrom: senderPeer ] in SeamlessMessageSendRequest(SeamlessEvaluationRequest)>>executeFor: in Block: [ :err | err handleSeamlessRequest: self receivedF...etc...
OPTimedOutError class(Exception class)>>signal

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Re: Cannot keep image running.

Denis Kudriashov

2017-07-07 4:17 GMT+02:00 sergio ruiz <[hidden email]>:
Hi, all..

I have install PharmIDE on this, and my project… and my project keeps dying.. I am getting the following stack trace..
any ideas?

What do you mean by keeps dying? Is it only about connecting by PharmIDE? Or your domain code have some problems? Does your web app continue working? (if it is about web app)
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Re: Cannot keep image running.

It is a teapot app.. 

i start it by doing something like:

./pharo Pharo.image —no-quit &

after a few minutes, it becomes unresponsive, and in the terminal, i get a stack trace, and the pharo is no longer running..

On July 7, 2017 at 4:48:53 AM, Denis Kudriashov ([hidden email]) wrote:

What do you mean by keeps dying? Is it only about connecting by PharmIDE? Or your domain code have some problems? Does your web app continue working? (if it is about web app)

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Re: Cannot keep image running.

Denis Kudriashov

2017-07-07 14:09 GMT+02:00 sergio ruiz <[hidden email]>:
It is a teapot app.. 

i start it by doing something like:

./pharo Pharo.image —no-quit &

after a few minutes, it becomes unresponsive, and in the terminal, i get a stack trace, and the pharo is no longer running..

And the error which you show is on server side?
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Re: Cannot keep image running.


it looks like the root of the problem is:  OPTimedOutError

On July 7, 2017 at 9:40:21 AM, Denis Kudriashov ([hidden email]) wrote:

And the error which you show is on server side?

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Re: Cannot keep image running.

Denis Kudriashov

2017-07-07 15:58 GMT+02:00 sergio ruiz <[hidden email]>:

So server image was saved with running server, right?
And actually it was saved with connected client. Error shows that after image was saved communication with client was continued. But when server restarts client is not connected to it and server signal timeout because no connection is available.

How you saved image? 
Doing it from remote playground will lead to such problem because evaluation expects result from server. And after restart server will try return it again. 

To correctly save image evaluate "remotePharo saveImage" from local playground. It take care about such cases (it request server without waiting result).

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Re: Cannot keep image running.

Yes! i tried just sending over a regular save.. 

let me rebuilt it, and send the correct gig over..

On July 7, 2017 at 11:07:34 AM, Denis Kudriashov ([hidden email]) wrote:

How you saved image? 
Doing it from remote playground will lead to such problem because evaluation expects result from server. And after restart server will try return it again. 

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Re: Cannot keep image running.

In reply to this post by Denis Kudriashov
Hey, Denis..

Thanks SO MUCH for all of your help over the past few days..

I think I have my PharmIDE all set up correctly now, and it’s doing just fine..

Thank you for all your work on this project.. i will evangelize for sure!

On July 7, 2017 at 11:07:34 AM, Denis Kudriashov ([hidden email]) wrote:

How you saved image? 
Doing it from remote playground will lead to such problem because evaluation expects result from server. And after restart server will try return it again. 

To correctly save image evaluate "remotePharo saveImage" from local playground. It take care about such cases (it request server without waiting result).

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