When I try to marshal an image inside a title object, the resultant object is unusable. To verify the direction I wanted to go, I created the following in iReports which added an image to the title of my report:
<image evaluationTime="Now" hyperlinkType="None" hyperlinkTarget="Self" >
<graphicElement stretchType="NoStretch"/>
<imageExpression class="java.lang.String">
Following the format that has worked for similar objects, I added this VisualWorks code to a method I use to create the report's title:
(aTitle band choiceValue)
add: (Core.Association key: #image value: OrderedCollection new);
anImage := JASPER.Image new.
evaluationTime: 'Now';
hyperlinkType: 'None';
hyperlinkTarget: 'Self'.
anImage reportElement: JASPER.ReportElement new.
anImage reportElement x: '593';
y: '9';
width: 79;
height: '38';
key: 'image-1'.
anImage box: (JASPER.Box new).
anImage graphicElement: (JASPER.GraphicElement new stretchType: 'NoStretch').
anImage imageExpression: (JASPER.ImageExpression new).
anImage imageExpression javaClass: 'java.lang.String'.
anImage imageExpression value: '![CDATA["Resources\\CompanyLogo.png"]]'.
aTitle band choiceValue image add: anImage.
I then debug the code that marshals the report. After executing the code below, jasperReportElement is an XML.Element. If I inspect its elements I see the error message, "[Error printing the object: This message is not appropriate for this object]"
jasperReportElement := manager marshal: self asJasperReport
atNamespace: 'urn:adventact-com:JASPER'.
jasperReportElement is unusable at this point and I get a walkback in the code trying to access it.
If anyone has succeeded in marshaling an image object, I would love to hear from them.