Category change and the change log

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Category change and the change log

Ian Bartholomew-21

There's a small problem in D6 which, when adding a category to a
method, results in the category change not being registered in the
change log. The problem only occurs when the change is made in one of
the possible ways. Demo (in a ClassBrowser)-

- Select a method, any method.
- Right click, select "Add to category"
- Select one of the suggested categories

The browser reflects the additional category but if you look at the
end of the change log then the category change hasn't been appended to
the file

If you change the category using drag drop or by selecting the "other"
option on the menu then the new category _is_ added to the change log.
The difference is that both drag drop and "other" call
#storeCategories after updating the category.  

Selecting the category from the suggestion list bypasses the storing
of the new category via #storeCategories (see

Perhaps the MethodBrowser class should have an additional method to
use as the command target, one that updates the category then calls
#storeCategories for each selected method.

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Re: Category change and the change log

Andy Bower

> There's a small problem in D6 which, when adding a category to a
> method, results in the category change not being registered in the
> change log. The problem only occurs when the change is made in one of
> the possible ways. Demo (in a ClassBrowser)-
> - Select a method, any method.
> - Right click, select "Add to category"
> - Select one of the suggested categories

Thanks. I've recorded this as #2164.

Best regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support