Change log

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Change log

Ian Bartholomew-3

As you may have gathered I'm updating the ChunkBrowser at the moment (when
I'm not embarrassing myself in the Dolphin newsgroup anyway :-)). One thing
I noticed is that, unlike the deletion of a single method, there is nothing
added when a complete class is removed.  It seems like something that ought
to be registered as an evaluation entry.


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Re: Change log

Ian Bartholomew-3
>                              It seems like something that ought
> to be registered as an evaluation entry.

... and probably after deleting a view resource as well.


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Re: Change log

Blair McGlashan
"Ian Bartholomew" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> >                              It seems like something that ought
> > to be registered as an evaluation entry.
> ... and probably after deleting a view resource as well.

I've recorded these under #662 since they are all related.

