Changes in external packages for Pharo 1.2

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Changes in external packages for Pharo 1.2

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi folks. I would like to write now the changes for the development image for Pharo 1.2.

Right now I have the following:

- Let (load) NewInspector in the image, but put the old one as the default. Several people were against NewInspector. I like it for example, but anyway, if it is present in the image then I would be able to use it.
- Add Memory Monitor tool from Alexandre Bergel.
- Add AutoTest from Laurent Laffont.
- Add GoferProjectLoader from Esteban Lorenzano, to easily manage Metacello.

For any package we include, it would be AWESOME to have:
- tests
- a Metacello configuration

So, questions:

1) do you more ore less agree with them???  (we cannot be all agree with ALL items)
2) for package developers:  do you agree we include all of them in PharoDev? will you help maitaining them?  are they all MIT? (I think so)  Please, confirm us this.
3) do you think there are more packages/projects we should include? What about, for example:

- WorkingSet from Romain Robbes
- Algernon (still doesn't work in 1.1)
- TDDFacilties from Hernan Wilkinson
- SimpleLogger from German Arduino

I know this is not Dev, but I hope in Pharo1.2 we will have:
- The new method finder from Benjamin that mixes both, and remove the old ones.
- The new RecentSubmisons, and remove the old one.



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