Changing default colors, etc

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Changing default colors, etc


I have a friend that's trying to learn SmallTalk, vis Dolphin, and is
having problems with the usage of green and red in the various
browsers.  i.e.:  He's color-blind.

I'm trying to figure out how to change this.  I've figured out how to
change the SUnit framework, but can't get the ClassBrowser, etc. to

Thanks in advance,


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Re: Changing default colors, etc

Ian Bartholomew-19

> I'm trying to figure out how to change this.  I've figured out how to
> change the SUnit framework, but can't get the ClassBrowser, etc. to
> change.

Dolphin has no explicit settings for this, but it's easy enough to change.

If he's happy with only black text then find the method Compiler
class>>defaultSyntaxColors.  A short way down you will find a line starting


comment out the whole of this line (as the actual comment above it
suggests) and then evaluate the line at the top of the method, the one

Compiler syntaxColors: Compiler defau....

to reset the syntax colouring to black only.

Alternatively, if he would prefer to use some colours you could change the
colour values to use ones that he is happy with.

There's also a couple of comment views, the "comment" tab in the class
browser for example, where the colour is hard coded into the view.  If
needed you can change these using the view composer.

Ask again if you need further details on these last two.


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Re: Changing default colors, etc

Chris Uppal-3
In reply to this post by Brody
Brody wrote:

> I have a friend that's trying to learn SmallTalk, vis Dolphin, and is
> having problems with the usage of green and red in the various
> browsers.  i.e.:  He's color-blind.
> I'm trying to figure out how to change this.  I've figured out how to
> change the SUnit framework, but can't get the ClassBrowser, etc. to
> change.

You may want to change the method icons to better distinguish between private
and public.  If so then you can either change the #xxxIcon methods on the
class-side of CompiledMethod to refer to different icon files (that you'd have
to create).  Or you could use a resource editor to change the definitions of
these icons in <dolphin installation>/DolphinDR005.DLL.

You might also want make similar change the definitions of the change marker
icon (SmalltalkSystem>>changedIcon) and the icons for True and False.

    -- chris

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Re: Changing default colors, etc

In reply to this post by Ian Bartholomew-19
Argggh!  I'd found the comment line in the compiler class, but didn't
figure out I had to execute the "Compiler syntax"  line.  I assumed
(ouch) that it ran at start up time, and didn't  need to do anything
further.  So, I'd comment it out/change values, and I couldn't see
anything happening.

Thanks so much.

Also, thanks for noticing that I'd missed the comment view.  This will
save me a bunch of head-scratching.

Thanks again.


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Re: Changing default colors, etc

In reply to this post by Chris Uppal-3

Thanks for being so pro-active.  I was going to eventually look at
changing the icons, but you've saved me debugging time.

