Carl Gundel a écrit :
>By default when I display PNG images from my Seaside application I find that
>I must put my files into the VisualWorks web\examples directory. Is there
>any way to change this to some other location?
During Seaside install, a "seaside" site is created (unless you declined).
This sample site is configured to use web\examples as its "home" directory.
You can change this "home" directort using the /configure page.
You can also change it programatically.
(VisualWave.WebSite siteNamed: 'seaside')
configParameters at: 'directory' put: 'yourpath'.
You can also create a completely new site using an *.ini file
not necessarily named 'seaside' as explained in the documentation.
You just need to make sure that the urls drive the SeasideServlet servlet.
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