Janko Mivšek wrote
I recently found this nice data visualization libraries overview:
http://selection.datavisualization.chBesides Raphael and HighCharts, the D3.js
http://d3js.org/ impressed me most. This is lower level visualization library with many addons for many different usages. It seems it could be useful to make a Smalltalk interface to it as well.
This is a good resource as well:
http://www.fromdev.com/2012/05/15-awesome-open-source-javascript.htmlFrom my
understanding, D3.js and HighCharts are similar solutions. The D3 library does seem very impressive ... BUT ... it does seem a lot harder to find examples and documenation as apposed to HighCharts. From my experience, its not that hard to get something to look nice using HighCharts and it looks like D3 is more powerfull but also more complicated. I like how HighCharts uses
jsFiddle to show how to get certain graph types to work.
Maybe the solution is having them as add-ins? Let people choose to load HichCharts or D3js or ... and Bootstrap or Foundations or ...?