Checking in on source/dependency management

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Checking in on source/dependency management

Hi, all..

I am just checking in on source and dependency management. 

I have been using Pharo 6 for a bit now, and i know that there has been a lot of talk about going to bit for source code management. 

I am wondering how far along that is, and if there is a package we can start using to work through that.

I am also wondering if metacello is still the dependency management system of choice. I was using the GUI tool in for package management in pharo 5, but i was having issues with getting my project mangled.

Is there a new current view on how all this should be done?


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Re: Checking in on source/dependency management

Ben Coman

On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 2:30 AM, sergio ruiz <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi, all..

I am just checking in on source and dependency management. 

I have been using Pharo 6 for a bit now, and i know that there has been a lot of talk about going to bit for source code management. 

I am wondering how far along that is, and if there is a package we can start using to work through that.

I am also wondering if metacello is still the dependency management system of choice. I

I believe it is.  The GUI tool (btw, can you clarify which one) was just a layer over Metacello.  Metacello has two sub-parts: Configurations for traditional HTTP repositories like Smalltalkhub; and Baselines for use with git.  Baselines are a subset of Configurations because git picks up some of that functionality.

cheers -ben