Choosing 'Sb' as an umbrella package prefix?

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Choosing 'Sb' as an umbrella package prefix?

Michael J. Forster

I have two questions regarding the choice of package prefix, but, first,
some background.

We have a number of packages that I would like to publish as open source
on over the coming year.  As well, we have several
proprietary customer packages in our internal MC repository.  Obviously,
we want to avoid name collisions with everyone else, but we want to keep
our package and class names from bloating, too.

I'm thinking of choosing the umbrella package/class prefix 'Sb' (for the
element Antimony, shamelessly following Sven's example) for everything
we write.  We would use one or two further characters to distinguish our
actual packages and classes (public and proprietary).  For example,

     SbWA... - our Seaside utilities
     SbPG... - our PostgresV2 utilities
     SbPr... - our Prolog query engine
     SbMt... - a proprietary client project

My first question:  Does this sound reasonable?  I don't want to give
potential users the impression that unstated dependencies exist between
our open source 'Sb' packages.  I'm simply trying to carve out a namespace.

Second, I installed all of the packages I could using the Metacello
Configuration browser in Pharo 2.0 and collected the first three
characters of all packages and classes.  I didn't find any use of the
'Sb' prefix.  Does anyone know of a conflict?



Michael J. Forster, B.Sc. (Hons.), B.Sc.
COO, Programmer
Shared Logic Inc.

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Re: Choosing 'Sb' as an umbrella package prefix?

Esteban A. Maringolo
There is no solution for this other than namespacing (which is an issue in itself).
If it's not a conflict now, it will be in the future.

I prefix my domain classes with Ts and Gpt, so far it doesn't clash with anything else. 
May it ever happen, I will rant. :)


Esteban A. Maringolo

2014-02-14 14:28 GMT-03:00 Michael J. Forster <[hidden email]>:

I have two questions regarding the choice of package prefix, but, first, some background.

We have a number of packages that I would like to publish as open source on over the coming year.  As well, we have several proprietary customer packages in our internal MC repository.  Obviously, we want to avoid name collisions with everyone else, but we want to keep our package and class names from bloating, too.

I'm thinking of choosing the umbrella package/class prefix 'Sb' (for the element Antimony, shamelessly following Sven's example) for everything we write.  We would use one or two further characters to distinguish our actual packages and classes (public and proprietary).  For example,

    SbWA... - our Seaside utilities
    SbPG... - our PostgresV2 utilities
    SbPr... - our Prolog query engine
    SbMt... - a proprietary client project

My first question:  Does this sound reasonable?  I don't want to give potential users the impression that unstated dependencies exist between our open source 'Sb' packages.  I'm simply trying to carve out a namespace.

Second, I installed all of the packages I could using the Metacello Configuration browser in Pharo 2.0 and collected the first three characters of all packages and classes.  I didn't find any use of the 'Sb' prefix.  Does anyone know of a conflict?



Michael J. Forster, B.Sc. (Hons.), B.Sc.
COO, Programmer
Shared Logic Inc.