I fried an image today, but had a very recent backup. The problem was that
I changed the name of a class, by let's say creative means, and left the
image in a confused state. My first though was to copy the methods to a new
class and then delete the offending class, but it didn't work. However, it
put a delete chunk in the change log - hence my question below.
It almost looked like I had repaired the damage, but some prodding proved
otherwise. I made a backup of the bad image/change/sources, restored the
recent backup, and used the CB in it to open the tail of the change log from
the broken image.
All seems well, but should I be worried that the class delete chunk that
refers to the bogus name is checked? A quick glance at #identityAsClass
make me think that it's simply that a class by the offending name does not
exist. If there's more to it, please say so.
Thanks for the ChunkBrowser!!!!
Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]