It often happens to me that I need to browse the references to a whole
hierarchy instead of to a single Class. I hacked a little simple package that does just that. Since it is very small and I don't have a web page to publish this goodie on, I copy the source here in case someone wants to use it. Needs Ian Bartholomew's IDB IDE Extension.pac. Is not that difficult to avoid this dependency but I hadn't time to do it, (it was just a couple of hours of work after all, so please be gentle ;o) After installing, open a NEW Class Brower, select a class, on the Class|Browser menu choose 'References to Class or Descendants' Best regards, Daniel | package | package := Package name: 'IdeExtensions'. package paxVersion: 0; basicComment: ''. package classNames add: #IdeClassAndDescendantsExtension; yourself. package methodNames add: #ClassBrowserAbstract -> #classesPresenter; add: #ClassSelector -> #browseClassOrDescendantsReferences; add: #SmalltalkSystem -> #browseClassOrDescendantsReferences:; add: #SmalltalkSystem -> #browseReferencesToClassOrDescendants:; add: #SmalltalkSystem -> #referenceFilterForClassOrDescendants:; yourself. package binaryGlobalNames: (Set new yourself). package globalAliases: (Set new yourself). package allResourceNames: (Set new yourself). package setPrerequisites: (IdentitySet new add: 'Object Arts\Dolphin\IDE\Base\Development System'; add: 'Object Arts\Dolphin\Base\Dolphin'; add: 'Object Arts\Dolphin\MVP\Base\Dolphin MVP Base'; add: 'Ian Bartholomew\IDE Extensions\IDB IDE Extension'; yourself). package! "Class Definitions"! IdeExtensionAbstract subclass: #IdeClassAndDescendantsExtension instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! "Global Aliases"! "Loose Methods"! !ClassBrowserAbstract methodsFor! classesPresenter ^ classesPresenter! ! !ClassBrowserAbstract categoriesFor: #classesPresenter!accessing!idb goodies!public! ! !ClassSelector methodsFor! browseClassOrDescendantsReferences "Browse all the methods which refer to the class selected in the receiver or its descendants." self systemModel browseClassOrDescendantsReferences: self selection! ! !ClassSelector categoriesFor: #browseClassOrDescendantsReferences!commands!public! ! !SmalltalkSystem methodsFor! browseClassOrDescendantsReferences: aClass "Opens a new Method Browser on all the methods which refer to aClass or its descendants" (self browseMethods: (self referenceFilterForClassOrDescendants: aClass) caption: 'References to ', aClass name, ' or its descendants' sourceString: aClass name) isEmpty ifTrue: [ MessageBox notify: aClass name, ' has no references']! browseReferencesToClassOrDescendants: aString | className suggestion | suggestion := aString isEmpty ifTrue: [Clipboard current getTextOrEmpty] ifFalse: [aString]. className := (Prompter createOn: suggestion prompt: 'Enter the name of a class:' caption: 'Browse References to Class or its descentants...') validationBlock: [:value | (Smalltalk at: value ifAbsent: [ nil ]) isBehavior ]; showModal. className notNil ifTrue: [self browseClassOrDescendantsReferences: (Smalltalk at: className)]! referenceFilterForClassOrDescendants: aClass "Private - Answer a <monadicValuable> which can be used to filter methods that reference aClass or its descendants" | cookie | cookie := Object new. ^[:m | (m literalsDetect: [:l | l isVariableBinding and: [ l value isBehavior and: [ l value includesBehavior: aClass ] ] ] ifNone: [cookie]) ~~ cookie]! ! !SmalltalkSystem categoriesFor: #browseClassOrDescendantsReferences:!browsing!public! ! !SmalltalkSystem categoriesFor: #browseReferencesToClassOrDescendants:!browsing!public! ! !SmalltalkSystem categoriesFor: #referenceFilterForClassOrDescendants:!helpers!private! ! "End of package definition"! "Source Globals"! "Classes"! IdeClassAndDescendantsExtension guid: (GUID fromString: '{115078A5-C307-4290-B1FE-74C6205D29A6}')! IdeClassAndDescendantsExtension comment: ''! !IdeClassAndDescendantsExtension categoriesForClass!IDB Goodies! ! !IdeClassAndDescendantsExtension class methodsFor! extendedClasses ^(Set new) add: ClassBrowserShell; add: (Smalltalk at: 'SystemBrowserShell' ifAbsent: []); yourself! extendMenuIn: aBrowser | menu | menu := (aBrowser view menuBar find: 'Class') find: 'Browse'. menu insertItem: (CommandMenuItem commandDescription: (ClosedCommandDescription command: #browseClassOrDescendantsReferences description: 'References to Class or Descendants' queryBlock: [:query | query isEnabled: aBrowser hasClassSelected. true] receiver: aBrowser classesPresenter)) after: #browseClassReferences.! onBrowserOpened: aBrowser super onBrowserOpened: aBrowser. self extendMenuIn: aBrowser ! ! !IdeClassAndDescendantsExtension class categoriesFor: #extendedClasses!accessing!public! ! !IdeClassAndDescendantsExtension class categoriesFor: #extendMenuIn:!helpers!public! ! !IdeClassAndDescendantsExtension class categoriesFor: #onBrowserOpened:!event handling!public! ! "Binary Globals"! "Resources"! |
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