Le 11/11/2016 à 10:51, Hilaire a écrit :
> Hi Henrik,
> It was categorized since years, and now I can see it disappeared from
> the Monticello save, since maybe one year, glup! This is scarring as
> reloading code in fresh image will lead to missing code.
Can you track down in your package versions where it stopped being
categorized properly?
> Forcing recategorisation leads to another error, see log.
What about converting the mcz to filetree, and reworking (updating by
hand the package structure)?
> Thanks
> Hilaire
> Le 11/11/2016 à 10:36, Henrik Nergaard a écrit :
>> Looks like the class was created without a package?
>> Try something like:
>> CGPhone category: 'PackageName'
>> Best regards,
>> Henrik