Clean up method like #exiting from VAST

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Clean up method like #exiting from VAST




In VAST there is a class-side method #exiting which can be implemented in an application and is called just before the image is shut down. I use it to typically implement clean-up code.


Is there something similar in Pharo?


If I use aBlock ensure: cleanUpBlock, is the cleanUpBlock guaranteed to run in what circumstances?



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Re: Clean up method like #exiting from VAST

Noury Bouraqadi-2
Hi Vince,

In Pharo there is startup list that is used also when quitting (in reverse upon shutdown).

To register a class :
Smalltalk addToStartUpList: aClass

The class startup behavior should go in class method
startUp: resumingBoolean

The class quit behavior should go in a class method
shutDown: quittingBoolean

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On 13 Mar 2020, at 07:02, Vince Refiti <[hidden email]> wrote:

In VAST there is a class-side method #exiting which can be implemented in an application and is called just before the image is shut down. I use it to typically implement clean-up code.
Is there something similar in Pharo? 
If I use aBlock ensure: cleanUpBlock, is the cleanUpBlock guaranteed to run in what circumstances?

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Re: Clean up method like #exiting from VAST

Erik Stel
In reply to this post by vince

You could check SmalltalkImage>>#addToShutDownList:


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