Code critic filters

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Code critic filters

A little-known feature of the Code Critic is that it allows you to create filter sets. Once you've looked at a warning produced by the Code Critic and decided that it's really ok, you can add the method to a filter set and save the filter set to a file. Thereafter, the code critic won't complain about that code.

At least, that's the way it's supposed to work.  In VW7.7 (and likely for a long time before that), the ability to add methods to filter sets hasn't been enabled. If you click on the Code Critic tab, you can still see the menu items under Edit to load and save filter sets, but you can't add classes or methods to them which makes them rather useless.

As far as I can tell, this feature just fell by the wayside years ago. There's ENVY loaded code that's supposed to add the menu items but it doesn't even work because of a change in the structure of the menus.

If you want to enable this functionality, you can make the following changes:

In BrowserNavigator
    <menuItem: 'Add Filter for Class'
        icon: nil
        nameKey: #AddFilter
        enablement: #canFilterClasses
        indication: nil
        menu: #(#classMenu )

    self changeRequest ifFalse: [^self].
    self selectedClasses
        do: [:each | self environment addFilterForClass: each].
    self refreshLists
    <menuItem: 'Add Filter for Selector'
        icon: nil
        nameKey: #AddFilter
        enablement: #canFilterSelectors
        indication: nil
        menu: #(#selectorMenu )

    self changeRequest ifFalse: [^self].
    self definitions do:
            [:each |
            self environment addFilterForClass: each implementingClass
                andSelector: each selector].
    self refreshLists
Does Cincom plan to re-enable this feature?

David Buck
Simberon Inc.

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Re: Code critic filters

Niall Ross
Dear David
    AR 60330 Reenable filter sets in Code Critic

          Yours faithfully
             Niall Ross

> A little-known feature of the Code Critic is that it allows you to
> create filter sets. Once you've looked at a warning produced by the
> Code Critic and decided that it's really ok, you can add the method to
> a filter set and save the filter set to a file. Thereafter, the code
> critic won't complain about that code.
> At least, that's the way it's supposed to work.  In VW7.7 (and likely
> for a long time before that), the ability to add methods to filter
> sets hasn't been enabled. If you click on the Code Critic tab, you can
> still see the menu items under Edit to load and save filter sets, but
> you can't add classes or methods to them which makes them rather useless.
> As far as I can tell, this feature just fell by the wayside years ago.
> There's ENVY loaded code that's supposed to add the menu items but it
> doesn't even work because of a change in the structure of the menus.
> If you want to enable this functionality, you can make the following
> changes:
> In BrowserNavigator
>     addFilterForClass
>         <menuItem: 'Add Filter for Class'
>             icon: nil
>             nameKey: #AddFilter
>             enablement: #canFilterClasses
>             indication: nil
>             menu: #(#classMenu )
>             position:220.1>
>         self changeRequest ifFalse: [^self].
>         self selectedClasses
>             do: [:each | self environment addFilterForClass: each].
>         self refreshLists
> -------------------------------
>     addFilterForSelector
>         <menuItem: 'Add Filter for Selector'
>             icon: nil
>             nameKey: #AddFilter
>             enablement: #canFilterSelectors
>             indication: nil
>             menu: #(#selectorMenu )
>             position:220.1>
>         self changeRequest ifFalse: [^self].
>         self definitions do:
>                 [:each |
>                 self environment addFilterForClass: each implementingClass
>                     andSelector: each selector].
>         self refreshLists
> Does Cincom plan to re-enable this feature?
> David Buck
> Simberon Inc.
>vwnc mailing list
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Re: Code critic filters

Sherry Michael
This has already been handled for VW 7.7.1 in the context of AR 60150: "Fix Store Browser menu
execution with correct enablement, show/hide", which required review of all RB menu items for
their relevance to the Store Browsers.

Niall Ross wrote:

> Dear David
>     AR 60330 Reenable filter sets in Code Critic
>           Yours faithfully
>              Niall Ross
>> A little-known feature of the Code Critic is that it allows you to
>> create filter sets. Once you've looked at a warning produced by the
>> Code Critic and decided that it's really ok, you can add the method to
>> a filter set and save the filter set to a file. Thereafter, the code
>> critic won't complain about that code.
>> At least, that's the way it's supposed to work.  In VW7.7 (and likely
>> for a long time before that), the ability to add methods to filter
>> sets hasn't been enabled. If you click on the Code Critic tab, you can
>> still see the menu items under Edit to load and save filter sets, but
>> you can't add classes or methods to them which makes them rather useless.
>> As far as I can tell, this feature just fell by the wayside years ago.
>> There's ENVY loaded code that's supposed to add the menu items but it
>> doesn't even work because of a change in the structure of the menus.
>> If you want to enable this functionality, you can make the following
>> changes:
>> In BrowserNavigator
>>     addFilterForClass
>>         <menuItem: 'Add Filter for Class'
>>             icon: nil
>>             nameKey: #AddFilter
>>             enablement: #canFilterClasses
>>             indication: nil
>>             menu: #(#classMenu )
>>             position:220.1>
>>         self changeRequest ifFalse: [^self].
>>         self selectedClasses
>>             do: [:each | self environment addFilterForClass: each].
>>         self refreshLists
>> -------------------------------
>>     addFilterForSelector
>>         <menuItem: 'Add Filter for Selector'
>>             icon: nil
>>             nameKey: #AddFilter
>>             enablement: #canFilterSelectors
>>             indication: nil
>>             menu: #(#selectorMenu )
>>             position:220.1>
>>         self changeRequest ifFalse: [^self].
>>         self definitions do:
>>                 [:each |
>>                 self environment addFilterForClass: each implementingClass
>>                     andSelector: each selector].
>>         self refreshLists
>> Does Cincom plan to re-enable this feature?
>> David Buck
>> Simberon Inc.
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Re: Code critic filters

It looks good in the CST10_may10.5 build.  Thanks

David Buck

Sherry Michael wrote:
This has already been handled for VW 7.7.1 in the context of AR 60150: "Fix Store Browser menu 
execution with correct enablement, show/hide", which required review of all RB menu items for 
their relevance to the Store Browsers.

Niall Ross wrote:
Dear David
    AR 60330 Reenable filter sets in Code Critic

          Yours faithfully
             Niall Ross

A little-known feature of the Code Critic is that it allows you to 
create filter sets. Once you've looked at a warning produced by the 
Code Critic and decided that it's really ok, you can add the method to 
a filter set and save the filter set to a file. Thereafter, the code 
critic won't complain about that code.

At least, that's the way it's supposed to work.  In VW7.7 (and likely 
for a long time before that), the ability to add methods to filter 
sets hasn't been enabled. If you click on the Code Critic tab, you can 
still see the menu items under Edit to load and save filter sets, but 
you can't add classes or methods to them which makes them rather useless.

As far as I can tell, this feature just fell by the wayside years ago. 
There's ENVY loaded code that's supposed to add the menu items but it 
doesn't even work because of a change in the structure of the menus.

If you want to enable this functionality, you can make the following 

In BrowserNavigator

        <menuItem: 'Add Filter for Class'
            icon: nil
            nameKey: #AddFilter
            enablement: #canFilterClasses
            indication: nil
            menu: #(#classMenu )

        self changeRequest ifFalse: [^self].
        self selectedClasses
            do: [:each | self environment addFilterForClass: each].
        self refreshLists


        <menuItem: 'Add Filter for Selector'
            icon: nil
            nameKey: #AddFilter
            enablement: #canFilterSelectors
            indication: nil
            menu: #(#selectorMenu )

        self changeRequest ifFalse: [^self].
        self definitions do:
                [:each |
                self environment addFilterForClass: each implementingClass
                    andSelector: each selector].
        self refreshLists

Does Cincom plan to re-enable this feature?

David Buck
Simberon Inc.


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