> On 26 Mar 2015, at 23:15, Laura Risani <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> If i run Critic Browser on a package with just a class that defines a method as subclassResponsibility and two subclasses that override it, i get under group 'Design Flaws' 'Method defined in all subclasses, but not in superclass'. If instead of 'self subclassResponsibility' i write anything else the critic doesn't show. Is this the expected behaviour? So, is considered an error to have a superclass without a default implementation (not subclassResponsibility) for a method?
> You can get example package sending
> Gofer new smalltalkhubUser: 'squidik' project: 'samples'; package: 'Critics'; load.
I think in Pharo3 there was a bug in this rule that we fixed in Pharo4… I checked your package in Pharo4, and the error is correctly not found.