i used to do this
| myRepo myRepoDir |
myRepoDir := FileDirectory on:'/home/vonbecmann/repo'.
myRepo := MCDirectoryRepository new directory: myRepoDir.
MCRepositoryGroup default addRepository: myRepo.
in order to add my directory repository.
"Ken G. Brown's idea"
All in one go if you like:
MCRepositoryGroup default addRepository: (MCDirectoryRepository new directory: (FileDirectory on: '/myLocalMCRepositoryPath/MyPackage/')).
"Hernan Durand's idea"
| repositories |
repositories := MCRepositoryGroup default.
(MCHttpRepository location: '
user: '' password: '').
(MCHttpRepository location: '
user: '' password: '').
do: [ : aRepository | repositories addRepository: aRepository ]
And if you read this article
in the script part there are some useful ways to set the username and password.