Cargo all the packages have a configuration and it should be easier.
even if projects will have to specify their hosts.
BTW I hope that we will kill rubric because alain did it just as a hack
to help synectique.
> Yes, good idea, external projects only make sense if they really can exist outside Pharo and if they are actively maintained as such.
>> On 10 Jun 2016, at 10:43, Pavel Krivanek <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> to make our and your lifes easier we want to stop to manage CodeImporter and Rubric as external projects. For CodeImporter it makes no sense to have it as external project and moreover why to have special configuration for only one package. The Rubric has a lot of small updates, not defined maintainer and manage it externally is a pain for everyone.
>> Let us know if you have something against it.
>> Cheers,
>> -- Pavel