CodeMentorAgent problems

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CodeMentorAgent problems

Udo Schneider
Hello all,

I just wanted to play around with the code mentor agent and experienced
a few problems.

Starting the CodeMentorAgent from the launcher window results in a file
not found error in CodeMentorAgent>>agent.

It seems that the following code tries to load the Character "Max" which
is not installed in WINDOWSDIR\msagent\chars\:

self agentInterface characters load: 'Max' loadKey: (File composePath:
SessionManager current windowsDirectory subPath: 'msagent\chars\max.acs').

I assume that Max is not part of the default XP installation (XP Pro,
German, SP2).

After installing the character manually the code above works but the
method fails a few lines later:

self agent ttsModeID: self defaultTTSModeId" fails with "Class not

Tracing the stack I found that IAgentCtlCharacterEx>>put_TTSModeID: failed.

Please note that the samples in the Agent Package worked fine.



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Re: CodeMentorAgent problems - Addition

Udo Schneider
After a few minutes of working the character suddenly appeared on the
screen without me doing anything for it. It looks a little bit strange
because it seems to be doubled in size.


Udo Schneider wrote:

> Hello all,
> I just wanted to play around with the code mentor agent and experienced
> a few problems.
> Starting the CodeMentorAgent from the launcher window results in a file
> not found error in CodeMentorAgent>>agent.
> It seems that the following code tries to load the Character "Max" which
> is not installed in WINDOWSDIR\msagent\chars\:
> self agentInterface characters load: 'Max' loadKey: (File composePath:
> SessionManager current windowsDirectory subPath: 'msagent\chars\max.acs').
> I assume that Max is not part of the default XP installation (XP Pro,
> German, SP2).
> After installing the character manually the code above works but the
> method fails a few lines later:
> self agent ttsModeID: self defaultTTSModeId" fails with "Class not
> registered.
> Tracing the stack I found that IAgentCtlCharacterEx>>put_TTSModeID: failed.
> Please note that the samples in the Agent Package worked fine.
> Regards,
> Udo

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Re: CodeMentorAgent problems - Addition

Andy Bower-3

> After a few minutes of working the character suddenly appeared on the
> screen without me doing anything for it. It looks a little bit
> strange because it seems to be doubled in size.

Just take a look at CodeMentorAgent>>blowUp and #blowUpSize. If you
don't want the character enlarged then comment out the call to these
methods. Similarly, you can comment out the call to #ttsModeID: in the
#agent method. It is only there to change to a different voice.

Actually, I'd forgotten that the CodeMentorAgent was in the image. It
was really only a demo so not really production quality and I winder if
it should be removed.

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support