"Steve Alan Waring" <
[hidden email]> wrote in message
[hidden email]...
> When using the CodeMentorPlugin, most of the time I find myself using
> the "Click here to browse all" link to open a browser on the problem
> methods. As this link is at the bottom of the html, it means that it
> moves around, and sometimes needs to be scrolled to.
> Could that link be moved to the top? ... or, when a non-composite
> lintRule is selected, could the lintRule name be made a link by
> changing CodeMentorPlugin>>htmlDescriptionFor: with something like:
> One other request. In CodeMentorPlugin>>htmlDescriptionFor: could the
> guard for the nil ruleNode just be put around "stream nextPutAll:
> ruleNode innerXML" (instead of most of the method ... BTW: this seems
> to introduce the need to guard for aLintRule being nil). This would
> allow new lintRules to be added and viewed without needing to update
> the lintRules xml document.
See no reason why not. I'll add these both to the list as well.