I built new Cog by taking latest VMMaker-oscog.46 on MacOS
VM still crashing at some random point during running all pharo-core
image tests.
Once i were able to run w/o crash and found following failures:
MethodContextTest debug: #testClosureRestart
because actually this one:
MethodContextTest new privRestartBlockArgsNoRemoteTempsTest
i'm not sure if this is a compiler issue (maybe it shuffling the
temps) or because of Cog, which doesn't likes restarts like that :)
Sometimes passes, sometimes not
(try doing following in workspace):
| a b |
a := 'ab' copy.
b := 'cd' copy.
self assert: (a identityHash ~= b identityHash).
a become: b.
self assert: (a ~= b).
self assert: (a identityHash ~= b identityHash).
i'm not sure if this is a big issue.. afaik, #become: don't gives any
guarantees about copying identityhash.
P.S. yesterday i were able to successfully build Cog on linux using
cmake configs i generating. but it crashing at first #commonReturn
which is really weird :)
I tried multiple images, same result.
The crash happens in given loop:
while (closure != GIV(nilObj)) {
home = longAt((closure + BaseHeaderSize) +
(ClosureOuterContextIndex << ShiftForWord));
closure = longAt((home + BaseHeaderSize) + (ClosureIndex << ShiftForWord));
Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.