CogVM on the Mac

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CogVM on the Mac

Chris Cunnington
I'm thrilled to hear a Cog VM for Mac is in the offing. 

I played with stuff to try and bake my own, but it was quickly clear that I wasn't in Kansas anymore. Curse you KlattSynthesizerPlugin ! 

Actually... I guess because the Mac VM does not have a Klatt plugin in its collection of compiled plugins, it was never going to work anyway. I think the Unix VM has a Klatt... maybe I should try baking a Cog on Ubuntu... hmmm... I'll fail, but nothing lasts forever. :)


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Re: CogVM on the Mac

Eliot Miranda-2
Hi Chris,

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 6:00 PM, Chris Cunnington <[hidden email]> wrote:
I'm thrilled to hear a Cog VM for Mac is in the offing. 

I played with stuff to try and bake my own, but it was quickly clear that I wasn't in Kansas anymore. Curse you KlattSynthesizerPlugin ! 

Actually... I guess because the Mac VM does not have a Klatt plugin in its collection of compiled plugins, it was never going to work anyway. I think the Unix VM has a Klatt... maybe I should try baking a Cog on Ubuntu... hmmm... I'll fail, but nothing lasts forever. :)

are you sure?  If I look in the Cog sources I find src/plugins/Klatt/Klatt.c and that all sqNamedPrims.h files specify the plugin:

cygwinbuild/sqNamedPrims.h:extern sqExport Klatt_exports[];
cygwinbuild/sqNamedPrims.h:     Klatt_exports,
macbuild/sqNamedPrims.h:extern sqExport Klatt_exports[];
macbuild/sqNamedPrims.h:        Klatt_exports,
unixbuild/bld/ \

So if you're doing a standard build (see macbuild/HowToBuild) and you're trying something that flat out won't work like using the standard Squeak VM's platforms directory then all Cog VMs should include a Klatt plugin in the internal plugins set.



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Re: CogVM on the Mac

Chris Cunnington
In reply to this post by Chris Cunnington
Wow. Have I been looking in the wrong place. 
I've been downloading trunk build files from svn listed on the pages, but *sigh* I didn't see the trove of stuff you just pointed out. And there are specific instructions for Mac and Unix builds. This is what I should be looking at. Thank you for pointing there. 


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Re: CogVM on the Mac

Eliot Miranda-2

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 8:14 PM, Chris Cunnington <[hidden email]> wrote:
Wow. Have I been looking in the wrong place. 
I've been downloading trunk build files from svn listed on the pages, but *sigh* I didn't see the trove of stuff you just pointed out. And there are specific instructions for Mac and Unix builds. This is what I should be looking at. Thank you for pointing there. 

For folks' convenience I've just put up some unofficial builds (essentially the same builds I use for testing) under

