From a Slack discussion:
Alexandre Bergel [6:03 PM]
@uko : Do we still need the usage data ?
Alexandre Bergel [6:03 PM]
Having this large red bar is a bit aggressive
Yuriy Tymchuk [6:06 PM]
Data is always useful. Now as I end my Ph.D. I will not have time to investigate the collected data any more, so the question is does anybody else care about the collected data, because yes, I can just remove it. By the way, I just reuse the morph from Spotter, so it is up to them to define the style :slightly_smiling_face:
So the question is: do we still need to display appeal for sending usage data in Pharo 7? Is anyone analyzing it or do we only irritate users? Such request can be in the Welcome window.
-- Pavel