"Bill Schwab" <
[hidden email]> wrote in message
[hidden email]...
>> I'm using a bufferedModel as the model for a presenter.
>> One of it's subPresenters is aListPresenter which model is aListModel
>> on
>> aCollection contained by the model of the top presenter.
>> But i dont know how, and if it is possible, to buffer that aspect of
>> the
>> model.
>> Can aCollection be contained by aValueAspectAdaptor or something
>> similar?
> I will be interested to read "how to" responses to your post, but similar
> circumstances prompted me to create a NonBufferedDialog class.
> I have found it simpler to copy and apply myself, knowing which models
> apply to which presenter, than to get the buffered models to do what I
> want.
Well... i'm using a mix right now.
Applying (setting) the collection mannualy in the #apply method, and then
calling the super implementation of #apply to let the bufferedpresenter do
the rest.
> Note: I use Dialog (complete with buffered models) in many situations.
As said before, i'm using a mix, because i also have a class of presenter
which is buffered but is not subclass of dialog, and to use its instances as
subPresenters of a Dialog presenters it must apply changes to it's
subPresenters to.
Best regards.