CollectionExtensions missing in Pharo 2.0

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CollectionExtensions missing in Pharo 2.0

Usman Bhatti
Hello all,

I remarked that the package CollectionExtensions is missing in Pharo 2.0. We are using a useful method provided by the package on strings that provides character intervals for line numbers in a string. Here is the code from 1.4:

intervalOfLine: aLineNumber

"Answer an interval spanning between the first and the last character of the line from aLineNumber"
| lineIndex |
lineIndex := 0.
self lineIndicesDo: [ :start :endWithoutDelimiters :end |
lineIndex := lineIndex + 1.
lineIndex = aLineNumber ifTrue: [ ^ start to: end ] ].
^ 0 to: 0

Now, this method is missing in Pharo 2.0. Is there a particular reason for omitting the package? Is there a replacement for the pckage?

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Re: CollectionExtensions missing in Pharo 2.0

Marcus Denker-4

CollectionExtensions is a package of Moose, it was never in Pharo.

It has not been integrated because nobody yet cared to coordinate to integrate the CollectionExtensions into collections (those parts
that are generally useful).


On Nov 22, 2012, at 4:37 PM, Usman Bhatti <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I remarked that the package CollectionExtensions is missing in Pharo 2.0. We are using a useful method provided by the package on strings that provides character intervals for line numbers in a string. Here is the code from 1.4:
> intervalOfLine: aLineNumber
> "Answer an interval spanning between the first and the last character of the line from aLineNumber"
> | lineIndex |
> lineIndex := 0.
> self lineIndicesDo: [ :start :endWithoutDelimiters :end |
> lineIndex := lineIndex + 1.
> lineIndex = aLineNumber ifTrue: [ ^ start to: end ] ].
> ^ 0 to: 0
> Now, this method is missing in Pharo 2.0. Is there a particular reason for omitting the package? Is there a replacement for the pckage?
> tx,
> Usman

Marcus Denker --

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Re: CollectionExtensions missing in Pharo 2.0

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by Usman Bhatti

we would love to get some of the nice collection extensions made in Moose.
Now somebody has to push it to us.
open a ticket and submit code and you will get it.

On Nov 22, 2012, at 4:37 PM, Usman Bhatti wrote:

> Hello all,
> I remarked that the package CollectionExtensions is missing in Pharo 2.0. We are using a useful method provided by the package on strings that provides character intervals for line numbers in a string. Here is the code from 1.4:
> intervalOfLine: aLineNumber
> "Answer an interval spanning between the first and the last character of the line from aLineNumber"
> | lineIndex |
> lineIndex := 0.
> self lineIndicesDo: [ :start :endWithoutDelimiters :end |
> lineIndex := lineIndex + 1.
> lineIndex = aLineNumber ifTrue: [ ^ start to: end ] ].
> ^ 0 to: 0
> Now, this method is missing in Pharo 2.0. Is there a particular reason for omitting the package? Is there a replacement for the pckage?
> tx,
> Usman

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Re: CollectionExtensions missing in Pharo 2.0

and you need to be fast, because as soon as we declare beta (next week), nothing else will be added :)

On Nov 23, 2012, at 7:03 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:

> usman
> we would love to get some of the nice collection extensions made in Moose.
> Now somebody has to push it to us.
> open a ticket and submit code and you will get it.
> Stef
> On Nov 22, 2012, at 4:37 PM, Usman Bhatti wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I remarked that the package CollectionExtensions is missing in Pharo 2.0. We are using a useful method provided by the package on strings that provides character intervals for line numbers in a string. Here is the code from 1.4:
>> intervalOfLine: aLineNumber
>> "Answer an interval spanning between the first and the last character of the line from aLineNumber"
>> | lineIndex |
>> lineIndex := 0.
>> self lineIndicesDo: [ :start :endWithoutDelimiters :end |
>> lineIndex := lineIndex + 1.
>> lineIndex = aLineNumber ifTrue: [ ^ start to: end ] ].
>> ^ 0 to: 0
>> Now, this method is missing in Pharo 2.0. Is there a particular reason for omitting the package? Is there a replacement for the pckage?
>> tx,
>> Usman