Collections : abstract class stepping around bad request in code subclass should implement ?

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Collections : abstract class stepping around bad request in code subclass should implement ?

yes, 2.0 has that odd duplicate code (see my prev misplaced msg below ...)

A lot of time spent in expression-based languages leaves me
uncomfortable that ^self is used for this NOP condition which looks
like an unmessaged/unsignalled failure that should never arise.

I ask just me: why is this not Error material ?  Should there not be a
flag to test against as to whether this is non-recoverable
non-completion of task ?

The opponents of nil checks spend too little time in happily
back-tracking Icon dialects ? ( yes ... there is now expression-based
ObjectIcon - and it is Unicode )

Of course the real question is how this code gets to stay there at all
even in 2.0 - or shoudl I be asking why a Trait was not the cure here

The really good news: it was not a copy-n-paste !

But seriously ... when this failure occurs, what flags that it is
harmless ?  Compare messaging model of RTOS QNX where the cost of this
advice is low.

Or is this all safely covered by unit testing ?  ( yes, that is my
twisted sense of almost-humour ... )

> In 1.4 ArrayedCollection we have
> this
>      self class isPointers | self class isWords not ifTrue: [^self].
> in >>restoreEndianness
> but this in
> >>writeOn:
>         (self class isPointers or: [ self class isWords not ]) ifTrue: [^ self ].
> It gets called once per task in both and should be a correct method,
> right ? The former does not even look correct at a glance.
> I have no time today to go check if this odd duplication remains in
> 2.0 as I must run

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Re: Collections : abstract class stepping around bad request in code subclass should implement ?

Mariano Martinez Peck
I think this issue is related:

On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 12:19 PM, Robert Shiplett <[hidden email]> wrote:
yes, 2.0 has that odd duplicate code (see my prev misplaced msg below ...)

A lot of time spent in expression-based languages leaves me
uncomfortable that ^self is used for this NOP condition which looks
like an unmessaged/unsignalled failure that should never arise.

I ask just me: why is this not Error material ?  Should there not be a
flag to test against as to whether this is non-recoverable
non-completion of task ?

The opponents of nil checks spend too little time in happily
back-tracking Icon dialects ? ( yes ... there is now expression-based
ObjectIcon - and it is Unicode )

Of course the real question is how this code gets to stay there at all
even in 2.0 - or shoudl I be asking why a Trait was not the cure here

The really good news: it was not a copy-n-paste !

But seriously ... when this failure occurs, what flags that it is
harmless ?  Compare messaging model of RTOS QNX where the cost of this
advice is low.

Or is this all safely covered by unit testing ?  ( yes, that is my
twisted sense of almost-humour ... )

> In 1.4 ArrayedCollection we have
> this
>      self class isPointers | self class isWords not ifTrue: [^self].
> in >>restoreEndianness
> but this in
> >>writeOn:
>         (self class isPointers or: [ self class isWords not ]) ifTrue: [^ self ].
> It gets called once per task in both and should be a correct method,
> right ? The former does not even look correct at a glance.
> I have no time today to go check if this odd duplication remains in
> 2.0 as I must run


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Re: Collections : abstract class stepping around bad request in code subclass should implement ?

Oh thanks - glad to see there has been discussion around this.

I spend a lot of my time serializing objects in the Curl web content
language these days, which has its own issues ;-)

i.e. Curl classes can be declared serializable and there is a compiler
setting for "strict serialization" but a CharClass object cannot be
serialized and so it goes ( or whatever it was Kurt Vonnegut would
have us all recall ;-)

And the relevant code is not yet open source !

At least I am away from CORBA C-style declarations for marshalling
objects (for the time being ... )

space-like separations, time-like separations, strreamed-CLUNK-separations