Community in the IDE

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Community in the IDE

laurent laffont

an idea I haven't found the courage to implement but may not be hard and can have an impact (at least fun to code). 

- Write / put a chat server on seasidehosting|INRIA|whatever
- Pharo image includes a chat client per default
- uses Author as nickname

So as soon as we open an image we are connected to other users. Can be interesting in courses as students are directly connected to *real* developpers while learning (and students love to chat :).

So we can exchange snippets instantly, ask questions, ...

Someone ?


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Re: Community in the IDE

Nicolás Paez
Sound great!
I would like to collaborate with it.


On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 10:30 AM, laurent laffont <[hidden email]> wrote:

an idea I haven't found the courage to implement but may not be hard and can have an impact (at least fun to code). 

- Write / put a chat server on seasidehosting|INRIA|whatever
- Pharo image includes a chat client per default
- uses Author as nickname

So as soon as we open an image we are connected to other users. Can be interesting in courses as students are directly connected to *real* developpers while learning (and students love to chat :).

So we can exchange snippets instantly, ask questions, ...

Someone ?


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