CompiledMethod>>= / BlockClosure>>= stack overflow bug

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CompiledMethod>>= / BlockClosure>>= stack overflow bug

John Brant
I performed a convert to instance variable refactoring and got a stack
overflow error. It was trying to compare two CompiledMethod. The
CompiledMethod>>= method sends equal to the literal arrays which sends
#= to each element. If one of the elements is a BlockClosure, the
BlockClosure>>= method then sends #= to the CompiledMethod.

John Brant

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Re: CompiledMethod>>= / BlockClosure>>= stack overflow bug

Blair McGlashan-3
"John Brant" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
>I performed a convert to instance variable refactoring and got a stack
> overflow error. It was trying to compare two CompiledMethod. The
> CompiledMethod>>= method sends equal to the literal arrays which sends
> #= to each element. If one of the elements is a BlockClosure, the
> BlockClosure>>= method then sends #= to the CompiledMethod.

Hmmm, tricky.

Thanks John, recorded as #2067.

