Compiler Flag (SendYourself)

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Compiler Flag (SendYourself)

Bruno Brasesco

I'm trying to turn off the compiler flag "SendYourself", but i can not find

(I'm having some problems with ODBReference of OmniBase, since
anODBReference yourself return anODBReference Not the referenced object)

Any one did it ?


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Re: Compiler Flag (SendYourself)

Chris Uppal-3
Bruno wrote:

> (I'm having some problems with ODBReference of OmniBase, since
> anODBReference yourself return anODBReference Not the referenced
> object)

You just beat me to it.  I was about to post exactly the same question...

I suspect, though, that the best long-term approach is probably to make
OmniBase (and STS) send a different selector -- #resolve say -- instead of

BTW, #resolve could usefully be defined against Object as a part of the
standard image, specifically for this kind of use.

    -- chris

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Re: Compiler Flag (SendYourself)

Bruno Brasesco
> I suspect, though, that the best long-term approach is probably to make
> OmniBase (and STS) send a different selector -- #resolve say -- instead of
> #yourself.

Yes! I did the same.

But I invented #mySelf message (may be too similar to #yourself ?)


>BTW, #resolve could usefully be defined against Object as a part of the
>standard image, specifically for this kind of use.

I have a package named "OmniBase Additional" where i put this stuff.
But if it came with the standard image it will be better.


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Re: Compiler Flag (SendYourself)

Blair McGlashan
In reply to this post by Bruno Brasesco
"Bruno" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:b86791$6it0u$[hidden email]...
> Hi,
> I'm trying to turn off the compiler flag "SendYourself", but i can not
> where.
> (I'm having some problems with ODBReference of OmniBase, since
> anODBReference yourself return anODBReference Not the referenced object)
> Any one did it ?

It is missing from the CompilerFlags pool (sorry), where it should have the
value 16r400.



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STS, OmniBase, and #yourself (was: Compiler Flag (SendYourself))

Chris Uppal-3
In reply to this post by Bruno Brasesco
Bruno wrote:

> > I suspect, though, that the best long-term approach is probably to
> > make OmniBase (and STS) send a different selector -- #resolve say
> > -- instead of #yourself.
> Yes! I did the same.
> But I invented #mySelf message (may be too similar to #yourself ?)
> Object
> mySelf
>     ^self
> ODBReference
> mySelf
>     ^demandLoader

Yes, I've just added #resolve to my version, defined the same way.  I didn't
bother to define #resolve against ODBReference, though (happened not to think
of it, and I doubt if it's worth adding now).

In case it helps anyone else using STS or OmniBase, here are the changes I've
made.  STS *seems* to be working, after an hour or so of versioning stuff, and
browsing editions.

Changes to Omnibase package:
    Added Object>>resolve.  Defined to answer self.
    to send #resolve instead of #yourself.

Changes to STS package(s)

    to send #resolve instead of #yourself.
    Added StsStbProxy>>resolve with same implementation as #yourself used to
    Deprecated StsStbProxy>>yourself and made it forward to #resolve.

As I say, this *seems* to be working for me, but I'd be interested (*very*!) to
hear of anything I've missed.

    -- chris

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Re: Compiler Flag (SendYourself)

Christopher J. Demers
In reply to this post by Blair McGlashan
"Blair McGlashan" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:b8869v$78am8$[hidden email]...

> "Bruno" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> news:b86791$6it0u$[hidden email]...
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm trying to turn off the compiler flag "SendYourself", but i can not
> find
> > where.
> >
> > (I'm having some problems with ODBReference of OmniBase, since
> > anODBReference yourself return anODBReference Not the referenced object)
> >
> > Any one did it ?
> It is missing from the CompilerFlags pool (sorry), where it should have
> value 16r400.

Could someone please explain how to set the system wide compiler flags and
recompile.  I see this mentioned as a workaround in the release notes but
there is not enough information.  Google does not know, and neither do I. ;)
Until I can get new versions of some tools I would like to use this


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Re: Compiler Flag (SendYourself)

Chris Uppal-3
Christopher J. Demers wrote:

> Could someone please explain how to set the system wide compiler
> flags and recompile.  I see this mentioned as a workaround in the
> release notes but there is not enough information.  Google does not
> know, and neither do I. ;) Until I can get new versions of some tools
> I would like to use this workaround.

Not I.  I fixed the tool -- in my case STS -- instead.

It *looks* as if you'd have to change the definition of Behavior>>basicCompile:
to include the value Blair mentioned in the "flags" passed to
#compile:in:flags, and then send #recompileAll to each of the root classes
(Object and ProtoObject in a vanilla image).  I'm not at all confident that
that catches all cases, though.

For me it was easier to fix STS (working in a 5.0.3 image) and then load the
code into D5.1, than to try to force the 5.1 system into a globally "unnatural"
state (not least because the optimisation looks quite valuable for JNIPort).

    -- chris

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Re: Compiler Flag (SendYourself)

Christopher J. Demers
"Chris Uppal" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:3eb11904$0$45175$[hidden email]...

> Christopher J. Demers wrote:
> > Could someone please explain how to set the system wide compiler
> > flags and recompile.  I see this mentioned as a workaround in the
> > release notes but there is not enough information.  Google does not
> > know, and neither do I. ;) Until I can get new versions of some tools
> > I would like to use this workaround.
> Not I.  I fixed the tool -- in my case STS -- instead.
> It *looks* as if you'd have to change the definition of
> to include the value Blair mentioned in the "flags" passed to
> #compile:in:flags, and then send #recompileAll to each of the root classes
> (Object and ProtoObject in a vanilla image).  I'm not at all confident
> that catches all cases, though.

It would seem there is not an easy way to override the flags.  As it turns
out it sounds like STS is my main problem.  So I may follow your example, or
see if David has a revision available.

> For me it was easier to fix STS (working in a 5.0.3 image) and then load
> code into D5.1, than to try to force the 5.1 system into a globally
> state (not least because the optimisation looks quite valuable for

That is a good point.  It would be nice to benefit from the optimization.
Actually now I am thinking about selective recompilation of only a few
methods with the flag.


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Re: Compiler Flag (SendYourself)

Chris Uppal-3
Christopher J. Demers wrote:

> It would seem there is not an easy way to override the flags.  As it
> turns out it sounds like STS is my main problem.  So I may follow
> your example, or see if David has a revision available.

Further up-thread I posted a list of the changes I'd made to STS/OmniBase, I
can add that they *still* don't seem to have broken it after several more days
of use ;-)

> That is a good point.  It would be nice to benefit from the
> optimization. Actually now I am thinking about selective
> recompilation of only a few methods with the flag.

I wondered about that too, essentially by overriding the #basicCompile: method
in selected classes, but decided that it'd be too fragile for my taste -- the
main problem being that it's the *sender* of #yourself that needs to be hacked,
not the receiver.

    -- chris