Configuration Browser tab naming

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Configuration Browser tab naming

Torsten Bergmann
>I thought the distinction you wanted to make was
>identifying which Configurations the Inria Pharo Team took direct
>responsibility for supporting, which I thought was a reasonable
>distinction and I would find useful.

No - I justed wanted to have all the Configs that worked
in a specific Pharo version easily accessible to new user
right from a menu.

The ideas is simple:
If someone downloads Pharo he usually does not know magic
Gofer/Metacello scripts. He also did'nt follow the mailinglist
for years to know about all the nice things that are available
in Pharo world and on so many different servers (SqS, SS3, SmalltalkHub, ...)

On the other side ACCESSIBILITY of packages and informations
is CRUCIAL for ADOPTION. Otherwise people turn away after
a short look.

Thats why I created the Pharo help browser, the config browser
and now work on an Pharo online help (which is alpha but
accessible from the config browser already).

And I'm not Inria ;)

>So anyone (having done the necessary validation for 2.0) can copy into
>the MetaRepoForPharo20 ?

Yes - for now we do it manually. In the future I would like to see
a mechanism that loads the config for a specific Pharo version and
validates by running all the tests. If broken the author/community can
be informed. If OK it should appear in the config browser...
