In our project we have different versions of packages for Pharo 3 and Pharo 4. I would like to make ConfigurationOfOURPROJECT which will automatically detect Pharo version and use correct package.
I tried
development: spec
<symbolicVersion: #development> spec for: #'Pharo4.0' version: 'Pharo4'.
spec for: #'Pharo4.x' version: 'Pharo4'.
spec for: #'Pharo3.0' version: 'Pharo3'.
spec for: #'Pharo3.x' version: 'Pharo3'
but it does not understand this 'PharoNumber' condition, it always looks for #'common' in both Pharo 3 and 4. If I insert line spec for: #'common' version: 'Pharo4', it always uses that one and loads version Pharo4, even in Pharo 3. If I keep it like this, without 'common', it throws error that no version found for #development
Jan Blizničenko