Good news everyone! :)
Today I have successfully connected an application published in
Ephemeric Cloud to a MongoDB hosted at Digital Ocean!
http://eph-f2e2bcac.swarm.pharocloud.com/todoIt became possible due to a stunnel support implemented in Ephemeric
Cloud runtime – the utility allows to create secure tunnels between
applications. Thus the communication between an ephemeric instance and
a droplet is encrypted and safe. Configuration is extremely simple –
just put a stunnel.conf and the certificate files to your Image
archive before publishing it.
This approach is universal and it allows to connect Pharo Images to
any service providers or dedicated servers. Therefore Ephemeric cloud
becomes more than just Pharocloud but an universal tool to develop and
publish Pharo web applications. Another good thing is that it has a
free tier :)
Please try it out and tell me what you think.
You can find some documentation here: