ConnectionClosed issues with Zinc

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ConnectionClosed issues with Zinc

Esteban A. Maringolo
I'm having issues with a connection coming from an Android app
connecting both trough an nginx proxy, but also using some REST
testing tools:

nginx error log:
2013/12/12 23:23:17 [error] 701#0: *49 upstream prematurely closed
connection while reading response header from upstream, client:
XX.XX.XX.XX, server:, request: "POST
/app-api/v1/auth/login HTTP/1.1", upstream:
"", host:

ZnZincSeasideAdapter log:
2013-12-12 23:23:17 897330 D Executing request/response loop
2013-12-12 23:23:17 897330 I Read a ZnRequest(POST /app-api/v1/auth/login)
2013-12-12 23:23:17 897330 T POST /app-api/v1/auth/login 200 114B 42ms
2013-12-12 23:23:17 897330 D ConnectionClosed: Cannot write data while
writing response
2013-12-12 23:23:17 897330 D Closing stream

I'm using Basic HTTP Auth in each request.

But what's weird is that with curl it works perfectly fine.

Again, I think this is not strictly Zinc related, but it doesn't work
connecting directly to the Zinc server either:

2013-12-13 00:17:02 939035 D Executing request/response loop
2013-12-13 00:17:02 939035 I Read a ZnRequest(POST /app-api/v1/auth/login)
2013-12-13 00:17:02 939035 T POST /app-api/v1/auth/login 200 114B 12ms
2013-12-13 00:17:02 939035 D ConnectionClosed: Cannot write data while
writing response
2013-12-13 00:17:02 939035 D Closing stream

I don't know if this has to do with the wireless provider doing some
proxying behind the wall (which they do), but given the fact that if I
try using some REST testing tools from my computer and they also fail,
I think it has to do with something else.

At nginx I'm forwarding the Authorization header to the Zinc Server:

proxy_set_header Authorization $http_authorization;
proxy_pass_header  Authorization;

Is there a way I can log the complete request headers at the Zinc
side, and if possible also at  nginx?


Esteban A. Maringolo

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Re: ConnectionClosed issues with Zinc

Esteban A. Maringolo
Good news, bad news. :)

I decided to test using another great tool bundled with Pharo itself: ZnClient.

"Going through nginx"
ZnClient new
  url: '';
  setBasicAuthenticationUsername: '24603458' password: '1234';

And... as expected... it works!

The same if connect directly to Zinc (:8080).

So there is something wrong in the rest of the tools around... or I
really don't know.

But the HTTP client library we're using at the Android (Java) side is
one of the most used (, but also
fails with org.apache.http client. So... it's not a matter of client.

I just need to understand the reason for the "Closed Connection".

Esteban A. Maringolo

2013/12/12 Esteban A. Maringolo <[hidden email]>:

> I'm having issues with a connection coming from an Android app
> connecting both trough an nginx proxy, but also using some REST
> testing tools:
> nginx error log:
> 2013/12/12 23:23:17 [error] 701#0: *49 upstream prematurely closed
> connection while reading response header from upstream, client:
> XX.XX.XX.XX, server:, request: "POST
> /app-api/v1/auth/login HTTP/1.1", upstream:
> "", host:
> ""
> (END)
> ZnZincSeasideAdapter log:
> 2013-12-12 23:23:17 897330 D Executing request/response loop
> 2013-12-12 23:23:17 897330 I Read a ZnRequest(POST /app-api/v1/auth/login)
> 2013-12-12 23:23:17 897330 T POST /app-api/v1/auth/login 200 114B 42ms
> 2013-12-12 23:23:17 897330 D ConnectionClosed: Cannot write data while
> writing response
> 2013-12-12 23:23:17 897330 D Closing stream
> I'm using Basic HTTP Auth in each request.
> But what's weird is that with curl it works perfectly fine.
> Again, I think this is not strictly Zinc related, but it doesn't work
> connecting directly to the Zinc server either:
> 2013-12-13 00:17:02 939035 D Executing request/response loop
> 2013-12-13 00:17:02 939035 I Read a ZnRequest(POST /app-api/v1/auth/login)
> 2013-12-13 00:17:02 939035 T POST /app-api/v1/auth/login 200 114B 12ms
> 2013-12-13 00:17:02 939035 D ConnectionClosed: Cannot write data while
> writing response
> 2013-12-13 00:17:02 939035 D Closing stream
> I don't know if this has to do with the wireless provider doing some
> proxying behind the wall (which they do), but given the fact that if I
> try using some REST testing tools from my computer and they also fail,
> I think it has to do with something else.
> At nginx I'm forwarding the Authorization header to the Zinc Server:
> proxy_set_header Authorization $http_authorization;
> proxy_pass_header  Authorization;
> Is there a way I can log the complete request headers at the Zinc
> side, and if possible also at  nginx?
> Regards,
> Esteban A. Maringolo

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Re: ConnectionClosed issues with Zinc

Esteban A. Maringolo
Answering myself again (I know...).

There is some issue in how the Basic Authentication is handled in
certain Android devices [1], which by chance (fortunately) is the same
I use to develop with, so I had to change the way the header was set
in the request, which basically I setup manually [2]

So, only good news. The server is up and running.
In fact it is the second server, I created a second Droplet at Digital
Ocean because the first had Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and I wanted a newer
release to have the newer version of nignx as well. So Ubuntu 13.10
32bit it was.

The second time everything went smoother and faster. I'm thinking
about setting up a Docker [3] container for Pharo, and then use it in
Digital Ocean as well [4].

It was a long day, but worth it.

Best regards,

Esteban A. Maringolo

[3] (anybody using it?)

2013/12/12 Esteban A. Maringolo <[hidden email]>:

> Good news, bad news. :)
> I decided to test using another great tool bundled with Pharo itself: ZnClient.
> "Going through nginx"
> ZnClient new
>   url: '';
>   setBasicAuthenticationUsername: '24603458' password: '1234';
>   logToTranscript;
>   post;
>   response.
> And... as expected... it works!
> The same if connect directly to Zinc (:8080).
> So there is something wrong in the rest of the tools around... or I
> really don't know.
> But the HTTP client library we're using at the Android (Java) side is
> one of the most used (, but also
> fails with org.apache.http client. So... it's not a matter of client.
> I just need to understand the reason for the "Closed Connection".
> Esteban A. Maringolo
> 2013/12/12 Esteban A. Maringolo <[hidden email]>:
>> I'm having issues with a connection coming from an Android app
>> connecting both trough an nginx proxy, but also using some REST
>> testing tools:
>> nginx error log:
>> 2013/12/12 23:23:17 [error] 701#0: *49 upstream prematurely closed
>> connection while reading response header from upstream, client:
>> XX.XX.XX.XX, server:, request: "POST
>> /app-api/v1/auth/login HTTP/1.1", upstream:
>> "", host:
>> ""
>> (END)
>> ZnZincSeasideAdapter log:
>> 2013-12-12 23:23:17 897330 D Executing request/response loop
>> 2013-12-12 23:23:17 897330 I Read a ZnRequest(POST /app-api/v1/auth/login)
>> 2013-12-12 23:23:17 897330 T POST /app-api/v1/auth/login 200 114B 42ms
>> 2013-12-12 23:23:17 897330 D ConnectionClosed: Cannot write data while
>> writing response
>> 2013-12-12 23:23:17 897330 D Closing stream
>> I'm using Basic HTTP Auth in each request.
>> But what's weird is that with curl it works perfectly fine.
>> Again, I think this is not strictly Zinc related, but it doesn't work
>> connecting directly to the Zinc server either:
>> 2013-12-13 00:17:02 939035 D Executing request/response loop
>> 2013-12-13 00:17:02 939035 I Read a ZnRequest(POST /app-api/v1/auth/login)
>> 2013-12-13 00:17:02 939035 T POST /app-api/v1/auth/login 200 114B 12ms
>> 2013-12-13 00:17:02 939035 D ConnectionClosed: Cannot write data while
>> writing response
>> 2013-12-13 00:17:02 939035 D Closing stream
>> I don't know if this has to do with the wireless provider doing some
>> proxying behind the wall (which they do), but given the fact that if I
>> try using some REST testing tools from my computer and they also fail,
>> I think it has to do with something else.
>> At nginx I'm forwarding the Authorization header to the Zinc Server:
>> proxy_set_header Authorization $http_authorization;
>> proxy_pass_header  Authorization;
>> Is there a way I can log the complete request headers at the Zinc
>> side, and if possible also at  nginx?
>> Regards,
>> Esteban A. Maringolo

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Re: ConnectionClosed issues with Zinc

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by Esteban A. Maringolo

it would be really great if you could extract from your experience a kind of
blog, book chapter whatever to share it with other developers around the world.


On Dec 13, 2013, at 1:36 AM, Esteban A. Maringolo <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I'm having issues with a connection coming from an Android app
> connecting both trough an nginx proxy, but also using some REST
> testing tools:
> nginx error log:
> 2013/12/12 23:23:17 [error] 701#0: *49 upstream prematurely closed
> connection while reading response header from upstream, client:
> XX.XX.XX.XX, server:, request: "POST
> /app-api/v1/auth/login HTTP/1.1", upstream:
> "", host:
> ""
> (END)
> ZnZincSeasideAdapter log:
> 2013-12-12 23:23:17 897330 D Executing request/response loop
> 2013-12-12 23:23:17 897330 I Read a ZnRequest(POST /app-api/v1/auth/login)
> 2013-12-12 23:23:17 897330 T POST /app-api/v1/auth/login 200 114B 42ms
> 2013-12-12 23:23:17 897330 D ConnectionClosed: Cannot write data while
> writing response
> 2013-12-12 23:23:17 897330 D Closing stream
> I'm using Basic HTTP Auth in each request.
> But what's weird is that with curl it works perfectly fine.
> Again, I think this is not strictly Zinc related, but it doesn't work
> connecting directly to the Zinc server either:
> 2013-12-13 00:17:02 939035 D Executing request/response loop
> 2013-12-13 00:17:02 939035 I Read a ZnRequest(POST /app-api/v1/auth/login)
> 2013-12-13 00:17:02 939035 T POST /app-api/v1/auth/login 200 114B 12ms
> 2013-12-13 00:17:02 939035 D ConnectionClosed: Cannot write data while
> writing response
> 2013-12-13 00:17:02 939035 D Closing stream
> I don't know if this has to do with the wireless provider doing some
> proxying behind the wall (which they do), but given the fact that if I
> try using some REST testing tools from my computer and they also fail,
> I think it has to do with something else.
> At nginx I'm forwarding the Authorization header to the Zinc Server:
> proxy_set_header Authorization $http_authorization;
> proxy_pass_header  Authorization;
> Is there a way I can log the complete request headers at the Zinc
> side, and if possible also at  nginx?
> Regards,
> Esteban A. Maringolo

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Re: ConnectionClosed issues with Zinc

Esteban A. Maringolo

About what exactly? About the server setup or the connection issues?

I plan to write down everything once this goes live and, most
importantly, succeeds. :)


2013/12/13 Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]>:
> esteban
> it would be really great if you could extract from your experience a kind of
> blog, book chapter whatever to share it with other developers around the world.

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Re: ConnectionClosed issues with Zinc

Stéphane Ducasse

On Dec 13, 2013, at 7:15 PM, Esteban A. Maringolo <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Stef,
> About what exactly? About the server setup or the connection issues?

things  :)

> I plan to write down everything once this goes live and, most
> importantly, succeeds. :)

> Regards!
> 2013/12/13 Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]>:
>> esteban
>> it would be really great if you could extract from your experience a kind of
>> blog, book chapter whatever to share it with other developers around the world.