> On 17 Apr 2016, at 10:43, Thibault Raffaillac <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>> What you could do is to generate class methods for each of the classvariable
>> in pseudo code
>> OpenGL classVariables do: [:each |
>> OpenClass class compiled: each name, ' ^ ', each name classified:
>> accessing ]
>> this way you can do
>> OpenGL MyConstant in the playground
> Problem is I have class methods in the same class, so this would make them hard to browse. I thought about implementing name search in the class DNU, but constants would not benefit from syntax coloring/completion then.
> Can we import Pool Dictionaries in the Playground?
I think it would be possible (and even not that hard) to add some “import” for Pools to playground.
One would not do that by default, but there could be a UI (or an API) to configure a playground
specially for scripting e.g. OpenGL with all the class vars pre-bound.