Context merge and external frameworks

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Context merge and external frameworks

Clément Béra
Dear pharoers,

As some of you may know, ContextPart and MethodContext have been merged into a single class Context for over a month in Pharo 4. The separation between these two classes was historical: back in the old times there was BlockContext as a second subclass of ContextPart for non closures images (images before 2009). This separation makes no sense any more.

Now there may be some projects that have method extensions on the class MethodContext or ContextPart and that needs to be fixed. For example, when I try to load Seaside30 in Pharo 40, I get the warning that Seaside depends on ContextPart (probably for Continuations). Dependencies on ContextPart or on MethodContext should be moved to Context.

If there is something clever we can do in the Pharo image to help for this migration, let us know.



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Re: Context merge and external frameworks

Stephan Eggermont-3
Clément wrote:
>If there is something clever we can do in the Pharo image to help for this migration, let us know.

The first thing to do is to walk smalltalkhub, squeak source and ss3 packages to check which
ones have those extensions. I assume a MooseMonticelloHTTPImporter can be used for that
