Convert from very old version

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Convert from very old version

Hi all,

How can I convert my library (apps in manager) from V7.5.2 to V8.6?
I see that some critical classes and many ui classes are changed at new version...

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Re: Convert from very old version

Marten Feldtmann-2
Well, there are migration guides showing the main points you have to consider.

When coming from 7.5.2 you do not have to consider all these problems with the EsLogManager or the timezones not working introduced in later 8.x version (because these are new features)  and 8.6 seems to be a pretty good candidate with lots of fixed of that bougus 8.5.2 version - though there are still Timezone problems under Linux.

I would export all your code into a new fresh 8.6 manager.dat file and then it should work with perhaps some changes. Do you really found critical changes ??


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Re: Convert from very old version

In reply to this post by Özer DURMAZ

you don't convert your manager when you update to a new version. You usually just import new product code into your existing library (manager) or install a new one and can choose to import your existing code into the new one. 

A conversion from 7.5 to 8.6 shouldn't be too critical.We've done quite a few migrations over the last few years and most of the problems were unrelated to changes in VAST code. The jump in version numbers has been way bigger that 1 major version. We've hardly encountered real problems that were due to changes in VAST. Instantiatons puts quite some thought in not breaking customers' code. 
As Marten mentioned, you should take a look at the migration guide. 
You can always install a new version of VAST in parallel to your existing one and try out a migration without affecting your existing environment. If you get into too much trouble, you can always stay on your old version.

Finally, you can always ask for help, There are companies (like mine) that offer migration and training for VAST.



Am Sonntag, 6. Oktober 2013 21:20:50 UTC+2 schrieb Özer DURMAZ:
Hi all,

How can I convert my library (apps in manager) from V7.5.2 to V8.6?
I see that some critical classes and many ui classes are changed at new version...

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Re: Convert from very old version

In reply to this post by Özer DURMAZ
Hi Özer,

do you have concrete examples for "critical" changes that you see?
I wouldn't say there are none, but I'd be surprised if there are many since 7.5.2.


Am Sonntag, 6. Oktober 2013 21:20:50 UTC+2 schrieb Özer DURMAZ:
Hi all,

How can I convert my library (apps in manager) from V7.5.2 to V8.6?
I see that some critical classes and many ui classes are changed at new version...

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Re: Convert from very old version

I solved some problems and migrated my old library to new version sucessfully in the end :)

I found some problems in new version:
. e.g CwControls app name is changed in new version as CwWindowsControls. When I create a empty app named CwControls, i can load apps uses controls in this app.
. in old version i was added #copyUpTo: method but in new version, there's a method named #first: and this method does the same thing with my method.
      (this is my problem... i renamed #copyUpTo: as #copyUpTo2: and it's senders and now #copyUpTo: calls #first: method...)
. OLE support has some problems and it continues in new version too. (#smalltalkObject:intoVariant: method and the it's reverse... does not supports some ole types or returns wrong values)
. Database system has some problems. (eg: #abtAsOdbcTimestampString method in AbtTimestamp returns a string like '{ts ....}'.
      Any SQL Server has no syntax like this...
      I also support DB2 and MSSQLSERVER syntaxes in SQL convertion methods)
. In old version, AbtTimestamp has an instancevar named 'timestamp'. In new version, there's 'date time uSecs' instances.
     I written some methods which does direct control the 'timestamp' instance...
. Collection has method named #isCollection which returns true but EsString should be return isCollection as false. However string is also a collection, it shouldn't be answer i'm a collection.
     I have some controls in a lot of method like  aStringOrCollection myVar := isCollection ifTrue: [ aStringOrCollection first ] ifFalse: [ aStringOrCollection ].

8 Ekim 2013 Salı 14:59:22 UTC+3 tarihinde [hidden email] yazdı:
Hi Özer,

do you have concrete examples for "critical" changes that you see?
I wouldn't say there are none, but I'd be surprised if there are many since 7.5.2.


Am Sonntag, 6. Oktober 2013 21:20:50 UTC+2 schrieb Özer DURMAZ:
Hi all,

How can I convert my library (apps in manager) from V7.5.2 to V8.6?
I see that some critical classes and many ui classes are changed at new version...

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Re: Convert from very old version

Marten Feldtmann-2

Am Dienstag, 8. Oktober 2013 15:16:32 UTC+2 schrieb Özer DURMAZ:
I solved some problems and migrated my old library to new version sucessfully in the end :)

I found some problems in new version:

. OLE support has some problems and it continues in new version too. (#smalltalkObject:intoVariant: method and the it's reverse... does not supports some ole types or returns wrong values)

 This should be as bad as in 7.5.2 ...
. Database system has some problems. (eg: #abtAsOdbcTimestampString method in AbtTimestamp returns a string like '{ts ....}'.

 Well, that's the official ODBC syntax for timestamps .. and according to Microsoft technical pages, SQLServer should know about that (
      Any SQL Server has no syntax like this...
      I also support DB2 and MSSQLSERVER syntaxes in SQL convertion methods)
. In old version, AbtTimestamp has an instancevar named 'timestamp'. In new version, there's 'date time uSecs' instances.
     I written some methods which does direct control the 'timestamp' instance...

Did it had a public accessing method ?
. Collection has method named #isCollection which returns true but EsString should be return isCollection as false. However string is also a collection, it shouldn't be answer i'm a collection.

     I have some controls in a lot of method like  aStringOrCollection myVar := isCollection ifTrue: [ aStringOrCollection first ] ifFalse: [ aStringOrCollection ].

I think, that this is more a problem of a situation, where the datatypes of an application are very different and now the programmer wants to fit it into the programming structure.

In this case I assume, that you may have a collection of strings or just a single string - and you want to have either the first string of that collection of the single string.

Here it would be much better to add a method to "SequenceableCollection" (and NOT "Collection" - because you use "first") and "String" with the same name doing what you expect it to do .. by the way - your code might crash, if the collection is empty .......

Its perhaps not an optimal style of programming, when you spread type-quering statements (typical typeof) in your application code.

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