Copying Descriptions

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Copying Descriptions

If I want to do...


    | loginDesc |

    loginDesc := self description copy.
    (loginDesc atLabel: 'Username')
        addCondition: [ :newUserName |
            self client login isLoginUsernameAvailable: newUserName ]
        labelled: 'already taken'.
    ^ loginDesc

The copy is needed, because I dont want to modify the cached version,
that everyone else is using. However, I dont think that the children are
copied, they remain the same objects.

Could/should they be copied in MAContainer-#postCopy ?


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Re: Copying Descriptions

If I want to do...

> ===
> formDescriptionNewUserRegistration
>     | loginDesc |
>     loginDesc := self description copy.
>     (loginDesc atLabel: 'Username')
>         beWriteable;
>         beRequired;
>         addCondition: [ :newUserName |
>             self client login isLoginUsernameAvailable: newUserName ]
>         labelled: 'already taken'.
>     ^ loginDesc
> =====
> The copy is needed, because I dont want to modify the cached version,
> that everyone else is using. However, I dont think that the children are
> copied, they remain the same objects.
> Could/should they be copied in MAContainer-#postCopy ?
> Keith
ok since children is a sorted collection, that makes copying needlessly
expensive for this use case.
I have adopted the following idiom.


    ^ self description
        atLabel: 'E-mail'         modify: [ :d | d componentClass:
MATextInputComponent ];
        atLabel: 'Username'    modify: [ :d | d beWriteable ];
        atLabel: 'Password'     modify: [ :d | d beHidden ];


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Re: Copying Descriptions (minor fix)

In reply to this post by keith1y
If I want to do...

> ===
> formDescriptionNewUserRegistration
>     | loginDesc |
>     loginDesc := self description copy.
>     (loginDesc atLabel: 'Username')
>         beWriteable;
>         beRequired;
>         addCondition: [ :newUserName |
>             self client login isLoginUsernameAvailable: newUserName ]
>         labelled: 'already taken'.
>     ^ loginDesc
> =====
> The copy is needed, because I dont want to modify the cached version,
> that everyone else is using. However, I dont think that the children are
> copied, they remain the same objects.
> Could/should they be copied in MAContainer-#postCopy ?
> Keith
ok since children is a sorted collection, that makes copying needlessly
expensive for this use case.
I have adopted the following idiom.


    ^ self description copy
        atLabel: 'E-mail'         modify: [ :d | d componentClass:
MATextInputComponent ];
        atLabel: 'Username'    modify: [ :d | d beWriteable ];
        atLabel: 'Password'     modify: [ :d | d beHidden ];


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