"Günther Schmidt" <
[hidden email]> wrote in message
[hidden email]...
> ... you show a list of items in a multicolumn list view,
> when you edit one of the items the list won't update,
> the trick is to remove the item temporarily,
> edit it,
> and the reinsert it,
> so the list will update...
I think removing and re-adding it is a bit too heavy handed. You can just
tell the ListModel to refresh the disiplay for that item that was edited.
For example evaluate the following line by line to see what happens:
col := ListModel on: #('aaa' 'bbb' 'ccc').
(lp := ListPresenter showOn: col) view topShell extent: 100@100.
"Make a change that requires a display update."
col first at: 2 put: $B.
"Now tell the ListModel to refresh the display for the item that was
col updateItem: col first.
FYI: In Dolphin 6 updateItem: is deprecated in favor of refresh: .