Couple grafoscopio notes

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Couple grafoscopio notes

Peter Uhnak

I've started playing around with grafoscopio, I am happy that I can finally organize all those little scripts and not lose them all the time. :)

However there are couple of issues and notes I've ran into (don't worry about fixing them in any timely fashion, it is not blocking me)

1. For saving `UITheme builder` is used, but the correct approach is via `UIManager default`
  * this has obvious impact if the UIManager is different (UIManager has reference to UITheme, but not the other way around)

To see all the calls, you can do this (or find the uses manually)

calls := UITheme allCallsOn select: [ :each | each package name = #Grafoscopio ].
SystemNavigation default browseMessageList: calls name: 'Users of class  UITheme' autoSelect: 'UITheme builder'.

2. Typo "Add nodo" -> "Add node"

3. "Move up|down node" -> "Move node up|down" (to be consistend with the rest of the naming)

4. During installation (from Catalog) a 'Grafoscopio' folder is created in documents and documentation is downloaded

This is a big no. Please don't do this.
Not only it violates the isolation of images, but it actually breaks the installation itself when you install Grafoscopio in two different images.

If you have to download the docs and you cannot just store them inside the image (which would be logical choice for read-only), then please use the image's directory by default, and only in e.g. development mode use some other location.

5. Node-related bugs

Imho this is somehow related to improper use and updates of tree. I remember I had similar issues some time ago, so maybe I can take a look at this in couple of weeks.

These bugs sometimes autoresolve themselves (so sometimes it is usable and sometimes not)

* 1. Launch > new notebook
* 2. Add node > error

* 1. Launch > new notebook
* 2. Select Node 1
* 3. Add node
* 4. Select newNode
* 5. rename node to something else
* 6. Click on previous "Node 1" > error

To summarize:

Most are just minor things or annoyances, but #4 is breaking --- as I have to remember to delete the folder every time I want to download Grafoscopio in new image. (If it works for you, then maybe it's platform related (I tested this on Windows 10); in either case, the data related to the image should stay with the image (either in the image, or in the image's folder), and not somewhere in the system).



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Re: Couple grafoscopio notes

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2
Hi Peter, :-)

On 19/01/17 11:49, Peter Uhnak wrote:
> Hi,
> I've started playing around with grafoscopio, I am happy that I can finally organize all those little scripts and not lose them all the time. :)

Thanks for using Grafoscopio. It started to explore moldability by
bridging documentation and scripting with live coding and objects. Pharo
and the communities around it have been really empowering for such
exploration, so I'm glad you find it useful.

> However there are couple of issues and notes I've ran into (don't worry about fixing them in any timely fashion, it is not blocking me)
> 1. For saving `UITheme builder` is used, but the correct approach is via `UIManager default`
>    * this has obvious impact if the UIManager is different (UIManager has reference to UITheme, but not the other way around)
> To see all the calls, you can do this (or find the uses manually)
> calls := UITheme allCallsOn select: [ :each | each package name = #Grafoscopio ].
> SystemNavigation default browseMessageList: calls name: 'Users of class  UITheme' autoSelect: 'UITheme builder'.
> 2. Typo "Add nodo" -> "Add node"
> 3. "Move up|down node" -> "Move node up|down" (to be consistend with the rest of the naming)

Items 1 to 3 have been fixed. Please update to
Grafoscopio-OffrayLuna.250 or later.

> 4. During installation (from Catalog) a 'Grafoscopio' folder is created in documents and documentation is downloaded
> This is a big no. Please don't do this.
> Not only it violates the isolation of images, but it actually breaks the installation itself when you install Grafoscopio in two different images.
> If you have to download the docs and you cannot just store them inside the image (which would be logical choice for read-only), then please use the image's directory by default, and only in e.g. development mode use some other location.

This was for historical reasons. At the beginning documentation was
installed on the same image directory, but, as a developer, I need a
fixed place to refer to the documentation from different images and
also, in the Data Week workshops, participants need such fixed place to
share scripts more easily. Now all documentation is located in the same
image directory, so we don't violate images isolation, but the new menu
item 'Update > Documents place' is available, if users need some fixed
shared location to work on shared notebooks (this will be improved, but
works for now).

In the future I plan to make the notebook tree available from the
playgrounds embedded in it, so you can write stuff like: 'thisNode
children computeAll; exportAsHTML", to bring self-referential
programable notebooks to Pharo and data storytelling :-), but that would
be theme for its own mail thread.

> 5. Node-related bugs
> Imho this is somehow related to improper use and updates of tree. I remember I had similar issues some time ago, so maybe I can take a look at this in couple of weeks.
> These bugs sometimes autoresolve themselves (so sometimes it is usable and sometimes not)
> * 1. Launch > new notebook
> * 2. Add node > error
> * 1. Launch > new notebook
> * 2. Select Node 1
> * 3. Add node
> * 4. Select newNode
> * 5. rename node to something else
> * 6. Click on previous "Node 1" > error

Yes. I don't understand pretty well the Spec GUI, its events, and its
relation with GT-Tools. I would like to have shorcuts for saving the
notebook, move nodes in the tree, creation, selection and edition, so I
will be interested in your recommendations in a couple of weeks. Let me
know, also, if you need any particular permission in the repository.

> To summarize:
> Most are just minor things or annoyances, but #4 is breaking --- as I have to remember to delete the folder every time I want to download Grafoscopio in new image. (If it works for you, then maybe it's platform related (I tested this on Windows 10); in either case, the data related to the image should stay with the image (either in the image, or in the image's folder), and not somewhere in the system).
> Thanks!
> Peter

