Couple of small bugs

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Couple of small bugs

Chris Uppal-3
The #renameClass operation in the CHB, etc, cannot be invoked from any menu
if the RB is not installed, yet it can be (as it should) be invoked by F2.

In the CHB, visit a few methods on the class-side of some class, switch to
the instance side, redefine the class (add instvars, it may have to be
class-instvars), and then use the <back> button to go back to the class
methods.  It should fail with a no-such-method popup although the methods
are still there.  I *suspect* that this is because of a slightly deeper
problem with the ClassBuilder -- when it redefines a class it uses #become:
to install the new version of the class, but it doesn't do the same for the
metaclass.  I.e. it assumes (wrongly, 'cos *I* do it ;-) that nobody could
ever want to hold a ref to a metaclass.

    -- chris