Create ZipArchive from memory filesystem

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Create ZipArchive from memory filesystem

Markus Fritsche-4

is there a quick way to create a zip file from a memory filesystem that
I can't see, or are the *Archive classes not compatible with the new
filesystem api yet?

Best regards,

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Re: Create ZipArchive from memory filesystem

Yuriy Mironenko
I'm not sure what "memory filesystem that I can't see" exactly is.

2014-12-12 16:54 GMT+03:00 Markus Fritsche <[hidden email]>:

is there a quick way to create a zip file from a memory filesystem that I can't see, or are the *Archive classes not compatible with the new filesystem api yet?

Best regards,

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Re: Create ZipArchive from memory filesystem

Tommaso DS

On 14/12/14 22:58, Юрий Мироненко wrote:
> I'm not sure what "/memory filesystem that I can't see/" exactly is.
I think he means "/a way that//I can't see/ to create a zip file from a
memory filesystem" (but I don't know the answer)

> 2014-12-12 16:54 GMT+03:00 Markus Fritsche <[hidden email]
> <mailto:[hidden email]>>:
>     Hello,
>     is there a quick way to create a zip file from a memory filesystem
>     that I can't see, or are the *Archive classes not compatible with
>     the new filesystem api yet?
>     Best regards,
>       Markus

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Re: Create ZipArchive from memory filesystem

Blondeau Vincent
In reply to this post by Markus Fritsche-4
Hello Markus,

You should be able to create a zip file with the memory file system with the classes located in "FileSystem-Zip" by doing for example :
| zipFile zip |
zipFile := FileSystem memory workingDirectory / ''.
zip := (FileSystem zip: zipFile) open.
zip / 'sample.txt'
writeStreamDo: [ :stream |
stream nextPutAll: 'test' ];

But you can't read easily the content of the archive...
The *Archive classes are more complete but they seems indeed not compatible to the new file system api.

See if you want to improve the zip file system.

Best regards,


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Pharo-users [mailto:[hidden email]] De la part de Markus Fritsche
Envoyé : vendredi 12 décembre 2014 14:54
À : [hidden email]
Objet : [Pharo-users] Create ZipArchive from memory filesystem


is there a quick way to create a zip file from a memory filesystem that I can't see, or are the *Archive classes not compatible with the new filesystem api yet?

Best regards,

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Re: Create ZipArchive from memory filesystem

Markus Fritsche-4
Hello Vincent,

On 2014-12-15 10:23, Blondeau Vincent wrote:
> Hello Markus,
> But you can't read easily the content of the archive...
> The *Archive classes are more complete but they seems indeed not
> compatible to the new file system api.

thank you for your reply, that was exactly what I was looking for!

I'll check the fogbugz entry "ASAP", which is pretty unsoonish

Kind regards,