Create a .exe application in Pharo 2.0

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Create a .exe application in Pharo 2.0

Paolo Piccinelli
Hi Ben, thanks for the fast reply.
What do you mean for "use the preferences?". Is it a method, right? It's my first ever application, so i need some explanation about that.
Thanks again.
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Re: Create a .exe application in Pharo 2.0

Benjamin Van Ryseghem (Pharo)
There are some places in the system where you can put txt file that will be loaded when you image starts


On 31 Oct 2013, at 16:31, Paolo Piccinelli <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi Ben, thanks for the fast reply.
What do you mean for "use the preferences?". Is it a method, right? It's my first ever application, so i need some explanation about that.
Thanks again.

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Re: Create a .exe application in Pharo 2.0

Ben Coman
Benjamin wrote:
There are some places in the system where you can put txt file that will be loaded when you image starts


On 31 Oct 2013, at 16:31, Paolo Piccinelli [hidden email] wrote:

Hi Ben, thanks for the fast reply.
What do you mean for "use the preferences?". Is it a method, right? It's my first ever application, so i need some explanation about that.
Thanks again.

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cheers -ben