Create a .exe application in Pharo 2.0

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Create a .exe application in Pharo 2.0

Picci Pharo
It's quite hard to me to explain what i need. When i ask something, i've never had the answer that i want. What do you mean for "There are some places in the system where you can put txt file"? What are the places you are talking about? Is it the Pharo 2.0 folder?
Can somebody tell me step-by-step how to create the .exe file? Why is it so difficult? As i said at the beginnning of one of my first messages, i'm a rookie in Pharo. So i need something more.

Thanks again.
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Re: Create a .exe application in Pharo 2.0

You dont need to create an exe file, pharo already comes with an exe file that contains the vm and pharo internals, everything else is in the image file. You can customize pharo to display only a specific gui, its a matter of creating the gui you want maximize it to whole screen and saving the image. Next time you open Pharo it will appear as it was when you saved it. You can also disable the world menu so your users dont have access to the pharo development tools. 

here are some valuable infos 

because Pharo is almost entirely coded in smalltalk you can customize it completely. How far you go to this will depend largely from your willingness to explore the system and learn about it. 

On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 12:07 PM, prova email <[hidden email]> wrote:
It's quite hard to me to explain what i need. When i ask something, i've never had the answer that i want. What do you mean for "There are some places in the system where you can put txt file"? What are the places you are talking about? Is it the Pharo 2.0 folder?
Can somebody tell me step-by-step how to create the .exe file? Why is it so difficult? As i said at the beginnning of one of my first messages, i'm a rookie in Pharo. So i need something more.

Thanks again.

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Re: Create a .exe application in Pharo 2.0

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
In reply to this post by Picci Pharo
Hi Paolo,

On 04 Nov 2013, at 11:07, prova email <[hidden email]> wrote:

> It's quite hard to me to explain what i need. When i ask something, i've never had the answer that i want. What do you mean for "There are some places in the system where you can put txt file"? What are the places you are talking about? Is it the Pharo 2.0 folder?
> Can somebody tell me step-by-step how to create the .exe file? Why is it so difficult? As i said at the beginnning of one of my first messages, i'm a rookie in Pharo. So i need something more.
> Thanks again.
> Paolo

Pharo is quite different from C, C# or Java. Building a .exe can be done or be simulated, but it is not how Pharo is normally used, so it is not a simple, one-click option. I would consider it ‘advanced'.

When learning something new, especially when it is very different from what you are used to, it is best, in my opinion, to first do everything the way things are meant to be done. You will ‘get it’ much sooner that way.

Working in an image without source files and using higher level distributed source code control feels very strange for newcomers.

You should start with Pharo by Example (dated, but still the best intro), after that there is Deep into Pharo, or the upcoming Pharo for the Enterprise.



Sven Van Caekenberghe
Smalltalk is the Red Pill

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Re: Create a .exe application in Pharo 2.0

Picci Pharo

Hi Sven

yes, i read PBE, it's a great book, i love it. You are right, Pharo is different, and i'm wrong in searching the way to do "old school" stuff. 

> From: [hidden email]

> Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 11:25:47 +0100
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Create a .exe application in Pharo 2.0
> Hi Paolo,
> On 04 Nov 2013, at 11:07, prova email <[hidden email]> wrote:
> > It's quite hard to me to explain what i need. When i ask something, i've never had the answer that i want. What do you mean for "There are some places in the system where you can put txt file"? What are the places you are talking about? Is it the Pharo 2.0 folder?
> > Can somebody tell me step-by-step how to create the .exe file? Why is it so difficult? As i said at the beginnning of one of my first messages, i'm a rookie in Pharo. So i need something more.
> >
> > Thanks again.
> > Paolo
> Pharo is quite different from C, C# or Java. Building a .exe can be done or be simulated, but it is not how Pharo is normally used, so it is not a simple, one-click option. I would consider it ‘advanced'.
> When learning something new, especially when it is very different from what you are used to, it is best, in my opinion, to first do everything the way things are meant to be done. You will ‘get it’ much sooner that way.
> Working in an image without source files and using higher level distributed source code control feels very strange for newcomers.
> You should start with Pharo by Example (dated, but still the best intro), after that there is Deep into Pharo, or the upcoming Pharo for the Enterprise.
> Regards,
> Sven
> --
> Sven Van Caekenberghe
> Smalltalk is the Red Pill
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Re: Create a .exe application in Pharo 2.0

In reply to this post by Sven Van Caekenberghe-2

As you do a java -jar app.jar you can do pharo app.image
Now to get an executable, what for?
For installing: check the list for a discussion on using InnoSetup for packaging installers:
For single exe file: have a look at which does interesting black magic (with a touch of ghost mode: for single exe appearance.
For launching: A simple C program doing an exec() of cmd.exe /c pharo.exe app.image would be good enough (some things to be aware of:
I'd be curious to see what UPX ( does to the pharo.exe BTW.
For a nice icon for your exe, check
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Re: Create a .exe application in Pharo 2.0

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
In reply to this post by Picci Pharo

On 04 Nov 2013, at 11:37, prova email <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi Sven
> yes, i read PBE, it's a great book, i love it. You are right, Pharo is different, and i'm wrong in searching the way to do "old school" stuff.

Well, it is not wrong, but maybe a bit too early.

The main attraction of Pharo is the incredible environment that gives you ‘live objects at your fingertips’. Once you get used to live debugging, workspaces, inspector/explorers, readable source code all the way down, etc.. it will be hard to go back to more primitive environments.

> Best;
> Paolo
> > From: [hidden email]
> > Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 11:25:47 +0100
> > To: [hidden email]
> > Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Create a .exe application in Pharo 2.0
> >
> > Hi Paolo,
> >
> > On 04 Nov 2013, at 11:07, prova email <[hidden email]> wrote:
> >
> > > It's quite hard to me to explain what i need. When i ask something, i've never had the answer that i want. What do you mean for "There are some places in the system where you can put txt file"? What are the places you are talking about? Is it the Pharo 2.0 folder?
> > > Can somebody tell me step-by-step how to create the .exe file? Why is it so difficult? As i said at the beginnning of one of my first messages, i'm a rookie in Pharo. So i need something more.
> > >
> > > Thanks again.
> > > Paolo
> >
> > Pharo is quite different from C, C# or Java. Building a .exe can be done or be simulated, but it is not how Pharo is normally used, so it is not a simple, one-click option. I would consider it ‘advanced'.
> >
> > When learning something new, especially when it is very different from what you are used to, it is best, in my opinion, to first do everything the way things are meant to be done. You will ‘get it’ much sooner that way.
> >
> > Working in an image without source files and using higher level distributed source code control feels very strange for newcomers.
> >
> > You should start with Pharo by Example (dated, but still the best intro), after that there is Deep into Pharo, or the upcoming Pharo for the Enterprise.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Sven
> >
> >
> > --
> > Sven Van Caekenberghe
> >
> > Smalltalk is the Red Pill
> >
> >

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Re: Create a .exe application in Pharo 2.0

Exactly. I'd like to do podcast interviews with you people on this list to convey that powerful emotion. Takers?

On Monday, November 4, 2013, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

On 04 Nov 2013, at 11:37, prova email <<a href="javascript:;" onclick="_e(event, &#39;cvml&#39;, &#39;;)">prova213@...> wrote:

> Hi Sven
> yes, i read PBE, it's a great book, i love it. You are right, Pharo is different, and i'm wrong in searching the way to do "old school" stuff.

Well, it is not wrong, but maybe a bit too early.

The main attraction of Pharo is the incredible environment that gives you ‘live objects at your fingertips’. Once you get used to live debugging, workspaces, inspector/explorers, readable source code all the way down, etc.. it will be hard to go back to more primitive environments.

> Best;
> Paolo
> > From: <a href="javascript:;" onclick="_e(event, &#39;cvml&#39;, &#39;;)">sven@...
> > Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 11:25:47 +0100
> > To: <a href="javascript:;" onclick="_e(event, &#39;cvml&#39;, &#39;;)">pharo-users@...
> > Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Create a .exe application in Pharo 2.0
> >
> > Hi Paolo,
> >
> > On 04 Nov 2013, at 11:07, prova email <<a href="javascript:;" onclick="_e(event, &#39;cvml&#39;, &#39;;)">prova213@...> wrote:
> >
> > > It's quite hard to me to explain what i need. When i ask something, i've never had the answer that i want. What do you mean for "There are some places in the system where you can put txt file"? What are the places you are talking about? Is it the Pharo 2.0 folder?
> > > Can somebody tell me step-by-step how to create the .exe file? Why is it so difficult? As i said at the beginnning of one of my first messages, i'm a rookie in Pharo. So i need something more.
> > >
> > > Thanks again.
> > > Paolo
> >
> > Pharo is quite different from C, C# or Java. Building a .exe can be done or be simulated, but it is not how Pharo is normally used, so it is not a simple, one-click option. I would consider it ‘advanced'.
> >
> > When learning something new, especially when it is very different from what you are used to, it is best, in my opinion, to first do everything the way things are meant to be done. You will ‘get it’ much sooner that way.
> >
> > Working in an image without source files and using higher level distributed source code control feels very strange for newcomers.
> >
> > You should start with Pharo by Example (dated, but still the best intro), after that there is Deep into Pharo, or the upcoming Pharo for the Enterprise.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Sven
> >
> >
> > --
> > Sven Van Caekenberghe
> >
> > Smalltalk is the Red Pill
> >
> >

Philippe Back
Dramatic Performance Improvements
Mob: +32(0) 478 650 140 | Fax: +32 (0) 70 408 027
Blog: | Twitter: @philippeback

High Octane SPRL
rue cour Boisacq 101 | 1301 Bierges | Belgium

Pharo Consortium Member -
Featured on the Software Process and Measurement Cast -
Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect and Ability Engineering EADocX Value Added Reseller

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Re: Create a .exe application in Pharo 2.0

Ben Coman
In reply to this post by Picci Pharo
prova email wrote:
> It's quite hard to me to explain what i need. When i ask something, i've never had the answer that i want. What do you mean for "There are some places in the system where you can put txt file"? What are the places you are talking about? Is it the Pharo 2.0 folder? Can somebody tell me step-by-step how to create the .exe file? Why is it so difficult? As i said at the beginnning of one of my first messages, i'm a rookie in Pharo. So i need something more.
> Thanks again.Paolo    
Do you just want to just make it look like 'you app'?
For instance by renaming:
* Pharo.exe to MyApp.exe, and
* Pharo.changes to MyApp.changes
* Pharo.image to MyApp.changes.
Note you don't need basename the 'exe' to be the same and the 'image'.  
That is just co-incidental.  As long as there is only one 'image' in the
folder as the 'exe', then that is opened automatically.

cheers -ben

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Re: Create a .exe application in Pharo 2.0

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by philippeback

can you post a separate thread because indeed this would be really cool to have some testimony on the web site from 
cool pharoers.


Exactly. I'd like to do podcast interviews with you people on this list to convey that powerful emotion. Takers?

On Monday, November 4, 2013, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

On 04 Nov 2013, at 11:37, prova email <<a href="javascript:;" onclick="_e(event, 'cvml', '')">prova213@...> wrote:

> Hi Sven
> yes, i read PBE, it's a great book, i love it. You are right, Pharo is different, and i'm wrong in searching the way to do "old school" stuff.

Well, it is not wrong, but maybe a bit too early.

The main attraction of Pharo is the incredible environment that gives you ‘live objects at your fingertips’. Once you get used to live debugging, workspaces, inspector/explorers, readable source code all the way down, etc.. it will be hard to go back to more primitive environments.

> Best;
> Paolo
> > From: <a href="javascript:;" onclick="_e(event, 'cvml', '')">sven@...
> > Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 11:25:47 +0100
> > To: <a href="javascript:;" onclick="_e(event, 'cvml', '')">pharo-users@...
> > Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Create a .exe application in Pharo 2.0
> >
> > Hi Paolo,
> >
> > On 04 Nov 2013, at 11:07, prova email <<a href="javascript:;" onclick="_e(event, 'cvml', '')">prova213@...> wrote:
> >
> > > It's quite hard to me to explain what i need. When i ask something, i've never had the answer that i want. What do you mean for "There are some places in the system where you can put txt file"? What are the places you are talking about? Is it the Pharo 2.0 folder?
> > > Can somebody tell me step-by-step how to create the .exe file? Why is it so difficult? As i said at the beginnning of one of my first messages, i'm a rookie in Pharo. So i need something more.
> > >
> > > Thanks again.
> > > Paolo
> >
> > Pharo is quite different from C, C# or Java. Building a .exe can be done or be simulated, but it is not how Pharo is normally used, so it is not a simple, one-click option. I would consider it ‘advanced'.
> >
> > When learning something new, especially when it is very different from what you are used to, it is best, in my opinion, to first do everything the way things are meant to be done. You will ‘get it’ much sooner that way.
> >
> > Working in an image without source files and using higher level distributed source code control feels very strange for newcomers.
> >
> > You should start with Pharo by Example (dated, but still the best intro), after that there is Deep into Pharo, or the upcoming Pharo for the Enterprise.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Sven
> >
> >
> > --
> > Sven Van Caekenberghe
> >
> > Smalltalk is the Red Pill
> >
> >

Philippe Back
Dramatic Performance Improvements
Mob: +32(0) 478 650 140 | Fax: +32 (0) 70 408 027
Blog: | Twitter: @philippeback

High Octane SPRL
rue cour Boisacq 101 | 1301 Bierges | Belgium

Pharo Consortium Member -
Featured on the Software Process and Measurement Cast -
Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect and Ability Engineering EADocX Value Added Reseller