I wasn’t clear on which image to retry - the https://ci.inria.fr/pharo/j
The https://ci.inria.fr/pharo/view The https://ci.inria.fr/pharo/v 25 UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #addTo: 26 MCRepositoryGroup>>addRepository: 27 createRepository | repo | repo := self project createRepository: self. ^ MCRepositoryGroup default repositories detect: [ :each | each = repo ] ifNone: [ MCRepositoryGroup default addRepository: repo. repo ] in MetacelloRepositorySpec>>createRepository I think this is because the image doesn’t support Metacello? As in: Metacello new How do you guys load things into the minimal images (I thought you used Metacello - but maybe you do it some other way?) I can use a big 6.1 image fine (as it has Metacello loaded) but I’d really like a minimal solution - that can load in libraries like AWS S3, or XML parsing etc. and it seems like I should be a good customer for kicking the tires on all of this. Tim
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