"Osvaldo Aufiero" <
[hidden email]> wrote in message
[hidden email]...
> Yes, i found the dll I had to wrap.
> Tks.
> ¿Any recommendations about how using it?
> I put the window inside an AXControlSite, is that ok?
This is how I open a report.
crApp := CRAXDRTIApplication new.
crReport := crApp
openReport: reportPath.
crDb := crReport database.
(crDb tables item: 1)
setTableLocation: reportDBpath
pSubLocation: tableName
pConnectBufferSting: ''.
This method is in my report viewer, crypstalReportPresenter is just a
Presenter hooked to a
AXControlSite with a progID of "CRViewer9.CRViewer.9.2".
| viewer |
super onViewOpened.
viewer := crystalReportPresenter view controlDispatch asImplType.
viewer reportSource: self model.
viewer displayGroupTree: false.
viewer displayTabs: false.
viewer enableExportButton: true.
viewer viewReport.
I first tried generating CSV files and reporting based on them, but that was
unbearable slow, so I had to create temporary tables in an Access database
and report of off them. I don't believe Crystal Reports was very good at
reporting on objects the last time I looked at it. It really is geared
towards relational databases.
When you deploy your application you will need to make sure you install the
CR runtime correctly, as I recall there are some hoops to jump through,
unless you use their MSM.
Good luck,