Customizable Eyesee chart example

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Customizable Eyesee chart example

Usman Bhatti

I think it would be good to include this example in GlamourExamples. There are some more in MooseBrowsers implemented by André.

| browser aModel|
browser := GLMDashboard new.
browser title: 'Customizable EyeSee Chart Example'.
browser addPaneNamed: #firstInput; addPaneNamed: #chart1 extent: 300@300.

browser transmit to: #firstInput; andShow: [ :a |
    a dropDownList
title: 'Colors';
      display: [ :model | model first ];
selectedIndex: 1
browser transmit 
to: #chart1; 
fromOutsidePort: #entity; from: #firstInput;
andShow: [ :a |
      a eyesee
title: 'Sample bar chart';
diagram: [:renderer :model :color |
                      renderer verticalBarDiagram
y: #yourself;
defaultColor: color;
models: model second;
width: 200;
height: 150;
renderer interaction popupText: #yourself ]].
aModel := Array
with: {Color black. Color red. Color green}
with: #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8).
browser openOn: aModel.

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